Double Dates !

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Austin gets up early before the girls could and made them breakfast.

He even got them flowers just because. He sets the food on to the tray and the flowers and head into the room

" good morning beautiful " he said coming in

" aww" ally says mid yawn and smiles
He places the breakfast tray in front of her

" Aw thank you" she smiles
" how'd you sleep" he asked her
"Pretty good, you're right this bed is so comfy" she said
" so comfy she doesn't even want to get up" he pointed to their sleeping daughter on the bed

" Hey, is it wrong I wanna get like five of these mattresses for the new house" she asked
He looks at her weirdly
" woah my parents would disown us so fast and take our kids " he said

" they'll have to get through me first!" She said taking a bite

He laughs

Ava wakes up and looks around

" good morning princess" he says to her as he picks her up and hugs her

Ally looks at him suspiciously

" what?" He asked
" where's your wedding ring?" She asked taking his hand
" oh I had to take it off for filming.. I didn't want to lose it, so it's in my suitcase.." he said
" oh that makes sense" she said
" should I go put it back on?" he asked
" could you" she said
" okay" he said putting Ava on the bed

" eggs!" She said going over to the breakfast

He goes into his suitcase way in the bottom and roams around

" hmm" he said
" hmm as in you found it quickly and not hmm as in you can't find it" she gets up

" the second one" he looks up at her

" Austin!! What do you mean the second one???" She walks over to him

" it's not in here!" He said " I put it in here! I swear"

" you have to find it like now!!" She said panicking

" I will just relax!" He said
" do not tell me to relax!!" She warns him

" I'm going to look for it, it's somewhere here!!" He said lifting things

" Austin Monica Moon! How could you be so irresponsible!! This is so important!! You cannot tell me you lost something so important as your wedding ring!! I'm so mad!! Aggh Of all things to lose you.." she began " you're so lucky she's here.. I.."

He smiles and hold up his ring
" you asshole" she says low enough so Ava wouldn't hear
He laughs " I keep it in the box in a sock in my suitcase.."
Her angry face turned into an unamused face
"hey I kept your engagement ring in a box in a sock in my suitcase for weeks during our world tour before I proposed to you it's safe.." he reminded her

She shakes her head
He laughs
She breathes
He puts his ring back on " see" he holds his hand up
He takes her left hand and kisses her ring finger " go eat"

She takes her hand back glaring at him unamused by his little joke and sits on the bed with their daughter
" that wasn't funny" she said
" kinda was... you went zero to 100" he said " have I ever told you how adorable you are when you get mad"
" you get me mad on purpose for the giggles.. haha tell me something I don't know" she said
He laughs
Ava stuffed her face with her pancakes
" your father thinks he's a prankster" ally tells her
" hey a little prank now and then is funny" he said " Ava mommy needs a sense of humor sometimes"

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