CH 1

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Black tights and a black leather jacket were what she was dressed in when she took her steps to the room in front of her. Her steps were heavy in thought as to why she was called here. Her heels clicking sound echoed in the silent corridors as she pushed her hair back using her fingers.

Grabbing the handle of the door, she felt her heart void. No feeling that she could feel right now. Her fingers tightened around the door's handle in thought.

Succeeding in unlocking the door, she entered the bright conference room seeing, not one leader of hers there, but many. Her nose fills with the fragrance of geranium and honeysuckle. Her co-workers sat at the same table. All of them gave their professional looks and most of them had their hands on the table. The leader who sat in the middle looked to be the most serious one.

They all sat down on their chairs seriously as she walked to them taking a seat nonchalantly. She grabbed the chair pulling it and letting her body plop on the cushiony piece. She had a blank expression on her face that she always had, void of any emotion. She didn't ever like to show her feelings to anyone. It was better she kept it in her heart and looked as stony as possible.

The man who perched near the middle of the table, and appeared to be in his 40s, decided to speak up as he breathed in once and then breathed out. The man had a wrinkled face because of his constant aging due to the stress of workload. His lips unlatched as he spoke up after much thought.

"We need to send an agent to Erasird." The man announced as he continued with his hands intertwined on the table, "We haven't decided on whom to send. It's an immensely risky mission. So I have summoned you all here, anyone who wants to do the mission can take part in it. Only one person, alone can go, and live among those people pretending as they are one."

Every one of them hesitated as they're afraid to participate in it. Erasird was a country under the rule of a brutal organization. People there love to use violence, and murder is just something like snapping your fingers together. Women and children are looked down upon in that country as the upper-classmen are arrogant fools who want them on their knees. Some are good, that don't want any type of violence to happen, but are suffering in pain alone with no one by their side in Erasird.

One of them gathered their courage as he uncertainly spoke up, "But sir, how can a person alone go to Erasird? It's too risky. One mistake and they'll be caught." The man spoke that everyone knew he was going to say. Every one of them wanted to say that, as they had the same thought in their minds. The leader there who sat in the middle of the table looked at him with a blank expression. Not even surprised by his stupid question. An agent should know the answer to this simple thing. The leader wanted to already fire this illiterate agent of his, but he kept it all in so he doesn't make a scene in this meeting, and this all goes well.

"We need information from there. A bunch of agents that I sent before have already been caught. This time I need someone who can do their job and mission well. They should be ready to give up their life for their country. A person who wouldn't at all cost get caught, and do great in their mission." The man narrowed his eyes and removed his hands from the table as all of them started whispering among each other and a murmur grew in the meeting hall. The whispers were all about the terrifying mission. Everyone was nervous and doubtful of this.

The leader slammed his palm on the table in anger as he said, "You all are agents, who have given their oath to our country. Stop behaving so childish."

"Leader." The woman with the black clothes spoke up as the man turned to her.

"Yes, agent D4?"

"I volunteer for this mission." The woman turned to the man with daring eyes. She wanted to do this. If this was for her country, she would. She liked thrilling missions as this was the most thrilling one of her life from the way the leader explained it to her. Her life being in danger? She can handle it. She believed in herself. She wouldn't look down on herself, or she would become like all else.

The leader nodded in agreement as all of them turned to her in surprise.

"You have one month to prepare." The leader informed as he stood up and gestured to them that they are dismissed. He massaged his forehead in distress as he walked away to the door. He had found the solution to his one problem. The woman who had spoken up would be a great choice to send.


The woman turned to all of them as she let her eyebrows high up in question as to what they're staring at. They all turned around and walked away after seeing her expression, not wanting to anger her one bit. She sighed as she stood up and walked away while looking at her wristwatch. She dialed a number in her watch and connected it to her earpiece as she slid it to her ear.

"Yes, agent D4?" A man's soothing voice called tiredly as the man yawned behind the phone call like he just woke up. But the plot twist was he didn't even sleep.

"J3, gotta go to Erasird. The country in the rule of the Jeons." She climbed up the stairs in the building ignoring all the people who stared at her, because of her confidence and daringness of accepting such a scary mission.

"Erasird? Really Dae?" The man asked as she could feel him rolling his eyes clearly. The man had hated Erasird from the day he was born. Well, he didn't remember from when, but let's keep it from then.

"Yes, Jin." The woman responded as she looked up at the sky. When she was on the rooftop, a helicopter landed on the floor blowing all things away because of the winds that were made from its fan. Her hair blew because of the cold breeze as the door opened and a man sneaked from it with his headphones on his head. The handsome man softly smiled as he was meeting his friend after so many days.

"Jin, don't smile so much. An insect will go in your mouth." The woman joked as she walked to the vehicle taking a seat beside the man. Her hair still blowing because of the hurricane made by the chopper.

Jin ignored her comment as he got busy letting the vehicle take off.

"Now, where do you want to go, ma'am?" He asked with a mocking smirk to the woman sitting beside him. He was working as a driver for her right now, so of course, he would do that.

"Take me to where I live, captain!"


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