CH 23

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"WHERE IS SHE?!" A guard infuriatedly ask in Taehyung's face while having him on his knees. Taehyung growled towards him struggling to be released while several men grabbed him by his arms and chained him from behind.

"DO YOU THINK I WILL TELL YOU?!" Taehyung's rage was on another level as he tried to strike a man by his elbow, however, it wasn't of any use. If he tried to do something, the men around him double every now and then. They knew how he would fight if he got out.

Taehyung's eyes turned red. He was keeping it all in. One wrong move, and he'll lose his life just like this. He can't be vulnerable right now. He did his best to crush his feelings so he won't feel like his life was taken unfairly if he died in this country today.

The man in front of him gritted his teeth as he gestured another one to give him something. A steel rod was passed to his hand as he turned to also ask for something else. An electroshock weapon. Taehyung's heart skipped a beat when he saw it. He knew the pain. He once felt it on his missions....he didn't want to feel it again. His hands shook as he tried to keep his expression straight and void of any emotion.

The man's lips curved up in a smirk as he slowly approached Taehyung and threw the rod to another guard that was behind him. Taehyung turned to glance at him as he suddenly felt a bash on his back and he closed his eyes taking it all in. Another pound to his back made him fall to the ground.

The boss in the group who had the electroshock weapon took his steps to Taehyung, crouching down and looking at him in satisfaction as he lay limply there in pain. Using the weapon, he kept it on Taehyung's neck as his screams and yells echoed in the environment.



I had Jungkook's hand in mine as I sneaked from behind a wall on alert. Jungkook was looking at me the whole time standing beside me with blank eyes.

"Let's go!" I turned to him as I pulled his hand and he slightly nodded following after me. He was wearing a shirt at the moment. I had speedily found a shirt in the room as I gave it to him and he wore it.

I came out and dashed in a hurry to a corner as he followed after me silently.

Suddenly, Taehyung's screams echoed in our ears as I paused and turned to Jungkook wearing wide eyes. His brows slowly crashed together as he hurriedly walked towards the railing in front of us to look down in the living room of the mansion. We're on the first floor and the voices were coming from the ground floor. His grip on my hand tightened as he squeezed it seeing Taehyung getting tortured downstairs.

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