and than there were 10

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Age recap: 10

We begin with the sight of the beautiful sunrise, Rising above the mountains from afar, before panning to the sight of a semi large motorhome, called the rust bucket.

Inside that motor home, we see a ten year old boy sleeping peacefully. That is, until a much older man gently shakes the boy awake. This man is Max Tennyson. And the boy is y/n Tennyson.

Max: "come on sport. Wake up, we're at the camp sight"

Y/n: "five more minutes..."

Max: "oh alright. I'll let you rest a little longer"

Max gently Pat's the boys head, before getting up to his feet. And walking through the RV's door.

Later, much later that day, both max and y/n were sitting across from each other, between them sat a small fire, as the two were roasting marshmallows.

Max: "so kiddo, how was your day?"

Y/n: "ok I suppose. It was a little more boring than usual..."

Max: "hm. But hey, look on the bright side kiddo. It's just gonna be the two of us all summer!"

Y/n: "yea... That does sound like fun. Thanks again for taking me grandpa"

Max: "of course sport, this is for you, so let's have fun while on this road trip"

Y/n chuckles, as does his grandfather, the two continue to roast marshmallows, telling stories, and simply enjoying their time...

That is, until something catches y/n's eye.

Y/n: "um... Grandpa... There's something in the sky... And it's coming straight for us!"

Max turns around in his seat, seeing truth the y/n's words, seeing what seems to be a flaming ball flying right at them. Being the quick thinker he is, max grabs y/n's arm, and pulled him close, before he himself jumped out of the way, just as the flaming ball crashes down at their small camp sight.

Max: "you ok y/n?"

Y/n: "y-yea.. I'm fine. But what was that thing?"

Max: "I don't know. Stay here, I'm going to check it out"

Y/n got up to his feet, while also grabbing a piece of wood to use just in case. Y/n on the other hand, ran inside the rust bucket and grabbed a crowbar, before running back outside.

Y/n: "grandpa? What is it?"

Max: "probably just a satellite. But what happened to it?"

Y/n quickly moves over to max, with the crowbar still in hand. But what shocks both of them, is that the "satellite" began to open, revealing...

Y/n: "a watch?"

Max immediately took a step back, seeing the watch, his shocked expression grows even more. But it soon turned into worry, as y/n took a step closer to it.

Max: "y/n, no!"

Y/n: "huh?"

The watch then suddenly jumps out, right at y/n, latching itself onto his wrist, causing the boy to freak out.

Y/n: "ah! It's alive! The watch is alive!"

Max: "y/n, calm down!"

Y/n was freaking out behind belief, swinging his arm around until he accidentally swung it into the weird pod, which caused the "dial" of the watch to pop up, stopping y/n's freak out.

Y/n: "what the..?"

Max: "y/n, whatever you do, don't-"

It was too late, y/n had already pushed down on the dial.

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