Captain America: the winter soldier(2)

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Y/n took a much needed nap, Zed resting on top of him, as max was out getting some supplies for repairs on his plumber gear. Y/n was then abruptly awoken by his phone going off. Y/n grunts and sits up, causing Zed to alright growl, also being awoken by the phone.

Y/n: "I swear, if this becomes a habit-"

Y/n immediately becomes quiet once he saw his phone, it was a message from fury, but a few from Steve. He read through the ones he got from Steve, growing worried, before reading fury's text.

Y/n: "what? what does he mean by-"

Y/n then got a text from an unknown number, which surprised him, he didn't give out his number Willy nilly. So he read it, being careful after just reading fury's text.

"Don't use the watch. They can track you"

Y/n began to sweat, but he puts down his phone just as max walks through the door.

Max: "hey kiddo, your- what's wrong? What's that look?"

Y/n: "grandpa, closest hospital! Fury got hit, bad!"

Max drops his bag and rushes to the driver's seat, immediately starting up the RV, and driving off.


Y/n: "made it as fast as we could!"

Max: "what's the update of fury?"

Nat: "Is he gonna make it?"

Steve: "I don't know"

Nat: "Tell me about the shooter"

Steve: "He's fast and strong. Had a metal arm"

Y/n: "the metal arm sounds cool, the rest, not so much"

Nat: "Ballistics?"

Maria: "Three slugs, no rifling. Completely untraceable"

Nat: "Soviet-made"

Maria: "Yeah."

suddenly they watch in shock as Fury's state deteriorates

Male Nurse: "He's in V-tach"

Female Nurse: "Crash cart coming in"

Doctor: "Nurse, help me with the drape"

Male Nurse: "BP is dropping"

Doctor: "Defibrillator! I want you to charge him at one hundred"

Nat: "Don't do this to me, Nick"

Max quickly covers y/n's eyes, and turned him away, before looking away himself.

Doctor: "Stand back! Three, two, one. Clear!

Fury is given a shock with the defibrillator

Doctor: "Pulse?"

Male Nurse: "No pulse"

Doctor: "Okay. 200, please. Stand back! Three, two, one. Clear! Give me epinephrine! Pulse?"

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