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It was a nice, peaceful night. The rust bucket 2 was parked outside a Mr. Smoothies. As inside the RV was y/n, zed, and y/n and shuri's daughter, glacier. Shuri wasn't feeling well, and stayed with Nokia.

Y/n was sitting in the booth, zed laying down in her bed, and glacier, now wearing a green scarf and orange beanie, sitting on the table, drinking from a smoothie cup.

Y/n: "guess that grasshopper smoothie was a lie..."

Y/n smiled at the joyful sight of his daughter. But it was interrupted by a bright flash right outside of the RV. Y/n gained an angered expression, and stood up.

Y/n: "someone's gonna have a bad time for ruining my father-daughter time!"

Y/n walked to the door, and swung it open, only to see multiple human shaped and sized frog aliens.

Y/n: "incursean's.. the fu-"

Y/n stopped, and looked to glacier, who looked at him confused.

Y/n: "...what the....Fudge sickle do you guys want?"

Zed, now awake, walks outside the RV from behind y/n, holding a harness in her mouth, as glacier flew into her fathers arms. Suddenly, a voice called out.

???: "weapons down"

Another alien, this one in a long coat, along with an exposed brain in glass flats forward.

Raff: "apologies magister. You know incurseans"

Y/n: "Raff? The-"

Y/n once again looked down at his daughter.

Y/n: "the hay is going on?"

Raff: "I see you're adapting to fatherhood just fine"

Y/n: "has the info of me having kids gotten out already?? Anyway, What brings you out this way?"

Raff: "Sevenseven snatched a little
girl in this system, and I really need to find her. You're the only Earth fellow I know"

Raff then held up a piece of cloth.

Raff: "She wore the royal color. Seen anybody like that?"

Y/n: "sevenseven? Well, SixSix was here on earth about a month ago. Even got a DNA sample from 'em. But this sevenseven guy..."

Raff: "He's the same race as Sixsix,
but far more dangerous"

Y/n: "got it. And just to make sure this is clear"

Y/n raised his hand, as a giant mana whip formed, and shot into the air, which grabbed onto something in the orbit.

Y/n: "that incursean war ship? I'll destroy it without a second thought if you or your friends here do anything to earth. Got it?"

Just as he said that, the speaker in the rust bucket 2 went off, catching a broadcast.

milleous: "People of Earth, this is Lord Emperor Milleous. Your errand boy Sevenseven has one deca-rotation to return Princess Attea to me before I blow your pathetic planet to dust with the unstoppable Incursean Conquest Ray"

Y/n glared at Raff, who nervously chuckled. He then sighed, and disapated the mana whip.

Y/n: "you're lucky that the plumbers can cancel out that signal. we'll help you. Zed, baby harness"

Y/n held out his hand, and his handed said harness from zed. Y/n puts it on, and then put glacier in it, letting her sit right there, watching the action.

Raff: "If you have a gizmo to beat
Sevenseven's cloaking tech, then we could track him"

Y/n: "no need"

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