BP: wakanda forever (4)

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Finally back in wakanda, the pair of shuri and y/n walk into her lab, with a scientist accompanying them.

Scientist: "Princess, it is good to have you and the magaster back. The city has been on edge since you left"

Shuri: "Go. Fortify the sonic barriers for all waterways"

The scientist left, doing as told, as shuri moved to one of her work stations, as y/n moved out of the room.

Y/n: "plumbers. This is magaster Tennyson Romanoff. Come in"

Patelliday: "this is patelliday. Coming in"

Y/n: "I presume you got word from rook?"

Patelliday: "yes sir. I have a small fleet at the ready!"

Y/n: "good. Put ships at every entry way into wakanda, and put all weapons on stun. I hope we can still get past this without casualties"

Patelliday: "affirmative!"

Y/n hung up, and let out a whistle, and not long after, zed came running towards him. Y/n smiles, and kneels down, Holding out his arms as zed came running into him.

Y/n: "hey girl.. im so glad you're ok.."

Y/n pets her head, when a sudden beep gets his attention. Looking down, y/n accepts the call from the Omnitrix.

Y/n: "go ahead"

Rook: "apologies magaster, but wakanda is under attack!"

Y/n: "what?!"

Rook: "wakanda is under attack by unknown sources! Do you believe it's those ocean people?"

Y/n: "it has to be. Rook, get as many of the plumbers as you can on ground level, your top priority is to protect civilians!"

Rook: "yes sir! What will you do?"

Y/n: "I'm going after the big guy"

Y/n hangs up, and faces the wall next to him. Taking a breath, he runs forward with zed at his side, as both become big chill and hypnotik respectfully, before flying through the wall.

Meanwhile, a young boy is seen running away from waves of rushing water, screaming for his mother, when Okoye running up to protect him. However, before the rushing water made contact, a red armored creature lands, and held out it's hands, stopping the water from moving any closer.

???: "Everybody, go! Now!"

The people immediately take the time to run away, as the red armored creature began to struggle.

???: "Now girl!"

A quadruped galvanic mechamorph like creature jumps down from the sky with a howl, as the spikes in its back grew, and wrapped around civilians, and set them away from the water, which the red armored creature began to struggle against.

Okoye: "y/n?"

Water hazard: "yep. It's me. Wanted to try water hazard for some time now.. but couldn't until now! Zed! Is everyone out now?!"

Zed howls, as she jumps down, wrapping tendrils around Okoye and the boy, and jumps away. This was an artificial transformation made by y/n for zed, that he calls downgrade.

(It's literally just malware but a dog)

Y/n, seeing nobody in direct sight, let's go of the water, as he's pushed along the current, but he simply swam with it, as zed followed behind him from above.

Behind them, wakandan life ships fly in, collecting the people to bring them to safety.

As y/n and zed made it to the main part of the city, he leaps from the water at the land nearby, with zed coming to a stop by his side. Looking into the sky, seeing three ships taken out by Namor. Namor lands at a bridge, with another ship stopping in front of him. It then takes fire, with Namor running away, and jumping back into the water.

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