Doctor strange: MoM(short)

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Ok, now this may seem odd... But I wanted to give y'all a little something that you can actually read and enjoy instead of a trailer. Anyway, this'll mainly focus on the universe where the illuminati are, as seen in one of the trailers. That entire segment of the movie will be here, and focus Primarily on that worlds y/n, and his partner in villainous murder, venom.


Doctor Stephen strange stood cuffed in front of multiple people. A man in a skintight blue suit. A man in a skintight black suit. A woman in a captain America like outfit, but British. A woman in a captain marvel like outfit. A man dressed in similar attire to strange himself. And a man in a green suit, and a giant yellow wheel chair.

Suddenly a loud beeping occurs, as a screen appears in front of reed Richards, then man in the blue suit.

Reed: "The building's been breached"

Strange: "No shit, genius"

Carter: "Status report, all sentries"

Maria: "it's that damn kid again"

Carter: "Watch him. We'll vote on our return"

They all leave, leaving behind mordo, Xavier, and strange.

Strange: "wait, who's here?"

Xavier: "in your world, you have the hero y/n. Wielder of the Omnitrix. Here, we have the murderous, and psychotic y/n. One that won't hesitate to kill"

Strange: "I find that hard to believe"

Xavier: "I'd suggest you see it yourself... But he's rather upset that he didn't get to kill the you of our universe"


Captain Carter, Mr. Fantastic, black bolt, and captain marvel all land in the main lobby of their base, with y/n standing at the doorway in front of them.

Reed: "y/n, stop! You don't have to do this. We can still help you! We can remove that parasite-"

Y/n: "he's not a parasite!!"

Y/n let out a screeching, and agonizing scream, with a second voice coming from him.

Reed: "then I'm sorry. That this is dying. With, or without you"

Reed then gestures to black bolt, who crossed his arms, and gave a rather smug grin.

Reed: "I'm sure you know by now that black bolt here can completely destroy every atomix of your body with a single whisper from his mouth"

Y/n: "yes.. we do know..."

Black bolt opened his mouth to speak.. but before he could, a blur dashed right by him, and a sharp tongue was pierced right through the back of his skull, and out his mouth.

Behind black bolt, was a terrifying, monstrous version of XLR8, with his long prehensile tongue stabbing through black bolts skull. The others of the illuminati look on in horror, as their essentially strongest member was killed in seconds. Lifting him up, y/n jerked his head back, and rips black bolts head off his body, and eats it whole.

XLR8: "tasty~ we've had inhuman before.. but not of the royal family~"

Y/n returns to human form, and turned to look at the rest of the illuminati.

Y/n: "hm?~ aren't you missing a few? What happened to iron man? Or namor? oh right! We ate them!!~"

A devilish cackle left him, as reed stretches his arm out to throw a punch, but a tentacle from venom easily catches it.

Y/n: "we ain't that dumb..."

Y/n's body becomes covered in the symbiote, and in seconds, a evil, venomized diamondhead grabs reeds arm, and bites down, causing the leader to let out a scream of pain. Captain Carter throws her shield, but another tentacle swats it away. With a tug, y/n ripped Reed's hand off, and swallowed it whole.

Y/n's body changes again, this time, into a large, even deadlier wildmutt. Standing up like a werewolf and all. Charging forward, he tackles reed to the ground, and began shredding open his stomach, letting his elastic body only moments to even fight back, until the pain gets to him, and he collapses to his death.

Captain marvel jets forward, knocking y/n into a wall, only for y/n to jump back into the fight with a venomized heatblast. He first went after Carter, and grabbed her by the face, and lifted her up, increasing the temperature until Carter's body wasn't moving. Y/n drops her, showing the corpse with a burnt off face, so much so, that even the skull underneath was chard black.

Captain marvel jets forward again, but this time, crashes into the absolutely giant wall of an alien in venomized four arms. Two arms grabbing her arms, and another pair pressed against either side of her head. He pulled away from her with her arms, and pressed his hands together on either side of her head... In moments, captain marvel's head pops, scattering blood all over the area, some on y/n's face.

A long tongue licks away the blood, allowing y/n to return to human without a stain on his body. Behind him, the last member of the illuminati rolls into the room.

Y/n: "figured when you'd show up"

Xavier: "why are you here?"

Y/n: "heh.. a new friend of ours invited us... You might know her..."

Xavier: "the scarlet witch"

Y/n: "correct! She promised me something.. and in return, I help her get past your little band of idiots!"

Xavier: "what exactly did she promise you?"

Y/n: "she promised your lives. I get the illuminati all to myself..."

Xavier: "y/n... All we have ever been trying to do is help you"

Y/n: "help me..? h-help me..? You should've helped me, by saving my grandfather!!"

In a fit of rage, y/n jabs his hand into Xavier's stomach, with venom coming out to go through him.

Y/n: "grandpa max trusted you! And you left him to die!"

Xavier: "max-"

Y/n grabs Xavier by the head, and begins crushing it in his hand.

Y/n: "you don't get to speak his name!!"

With a tug, y/n rips off Xavier's skull, which had the spin come out with it. Dropping it on the floor, y/n raises his foot, and crushes his head underneath him.

Y/n: "I'm tired of people who think they know everything... Grandpa max trusted you. All of you... And you all left him to die, only because you trusted that fucker strange!! Now look at what happened!! You're all dead!!"

Venom: "and yet.. you don't feel satisfied?"

Y/n: "there is still more work to be done my friend..."

Venom: "then it's best we get going"

Y/n: "with pleasure..."

Y/n's body gets covered in black goo, as his body forms into that of a venomized jetray, who takes off to the skies.

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