secrets of the Omnitrix (1)

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Age recap: 19
Technically: 24

Shuri: "well. That's the last time I go anywhere without my suit"

Y/n, and shuri were just having a regular date, but when y/n left to get something for shuri, doctor animo jumped in, and kidnapped shuri right under y/n's nose.

So currently, shuri was tied in chains, and hanging upside down from the ceiling, as Animo is busy preparing a machine on an elevated platform surrounding the reactor. As he twists some knobs, the device starts humming and a digital display starts counting down from 60.

Dr. Animo: "This nuclear reactor is the perfect way to detonate my DNA Bomb into the atmosphere, and de-evolutionize the world!"

Shuri: "now I understand all the crazy stories y/n has told about you.."

Suddenly, the ground shakes, and the shut door to the room explodes open, startling Animo.

Shuri: "ah, finally.. I was beginning to go lightheaded"

The area clears of smoke, revealing y/n and zed as heatblast and crabdozer.

Heatblast: "ok, Animo, science class is canceled! Heh, haven't done a good quip in a while"

Dr. Animo: "Fool! In less than a minute, the world will get a lesson it will never forget! In the meantime, meet my latest creation!"

He gestures high above him, as a mutant hornet flies in and prepares to attack.

Heatblast: "Bring it on! I'll barbecue that bug!"

Y/n smirks, and shoots a wave of fire at some nearby barrels. They detonate in a chain explosion, leading up to where the hornet was flying.

Heatblast: "boom! Chain reaction!"

Suddenly, the hornet rises out of the fire, unscathed, then zooms toward the duo. Zed steps forward, and bucks her head at the hornet, sending it into the air. Jumping onto her back, and flings multiple spinning discs of fire at it.  They each explode against the hornet, but it still flies at them.

Heatblast: "zed, get shuri! I'll take care of this Stinkfly wannabe"

Zed nods, and changes into omnivoracious, and flies up to free shuri. Zed tears the chains off shuri, then grabs her, and brings her down to the ground.

When she did, zed changed to buglizard, and tackled the hornet to the ground. Meanwhile, y/n steps forward to animo.

Dr. Animo: "Even YOU can't generate enough heat to melt that casing!"

Heatblast: "maybe heatblast. But I know for a fact atomix can!"

In a bright flash of green, atomix appeared in heatblast's place. Thrusting out a hand, a green beam of energy shoots out, clashing with the machine.

Shuri: "y/n! You don't know what's going to happen if you do that!"

Atomix: "it'll be much worse if we wait to figure it out!"

As the concentrated energy blast kept going, pipes all over the reactor start to burst and shoot out steam. Dr. Animo's machine is overrun with electricity.

He hurries off the platform to find cover.

Atomix: "That's the idea!"

Pipes keep bursting; the water-filled chamber inside the reactor starts boiling; all gauges point down; and the countdown finally stops at the second-to-last second. Y/n stops his fire and gives a thumbs up to zed and shuri.

Atomix: "there we are!"

Shuri: "well.. I guess it did work"

Atomix: "better than my other idea-"

However, an alarm from the machine interrupts them. The machine suddenly starts releasing powerful waves of energy throughout the room. Y/n is caught off guard and blown back by the waves. They pass over and disturb the Omnitrix.

Zed turns into crabdozer and covers shuri with her body, protecting them both. When the waves finished, zed turned to normal, as she and shuri look back to y/n, who was now in human form.

Y/n: "ow.. that hurt" 

Animo then came flying in on the back of his hornet.


Y/n: "excuse me- IM ON VACATION YA JERK!"

Animo flies off, as y/n struggles to stand, as shuri and zed immediately run forward to help.

Shuri: "are you ok y/n?"

Y/n: "yea.. yea.. I'm fine"

Zed gruffs, and points to the Omnitrix, as the married couple look down at it.

Shuri: "um.. y/n. Is there a chance a new mode is on watch?"

Y/n: "orange is new for me sweetheart…"

As the two were talking, zed sneaks off, completely unaware of the two.

Shuri: "should we-"

Y/n: "yea.. let's get back to the rust bucket 2, and find out what's wrong- wait! Animo!"

Shuri: "that's not the only thing! Where's zed?!"

A bark is head behind them. Turning around, the two see zed, with an unconscious animo and giant hornet.

Y/n: "huh.. nice one zed!"


The rust bucket 2 drives out of the facility, and heads off.

Y/n: "where to next?"

Shuri: "well, I was thinking of shopping. But me and zed can go do that, you need some rest!"

Y/n: "alright! alright! I'll drop you two off, and I'll get some rest... My head is killing me.."

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