Falcon & Winter soldier (2)

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'ello 'ello hola and bonjour!

Before this starts, I want to say sorry for the delay in this chapter.

And remember that this book has a designated reddit that appeared in the first chapter of falcon and the winter soldier called r/Hero_Time

Under the ownership of Zed_The_Space_Dog. Aka zed, aka me.

Anyway, that's it! Enjoy!


The next thing y/n knew, he sat outside yet another police station, stuck inside the rust bucket 2 with zed, as Bucky and Sam were inside.

Y/n: "I'm getting tired of being their Uber. Imma start charging them. Whatcha think girl?"

Zed nods with a smile.

Y/n: "maybe I actually will"

Suddenly, Bucky and Sam run out, with a third behind them. They rush inside the rust bucket 2, but the second the third guy walked in, a techadon multiblaster is aimed at them.

Y/n: "Bucky, could I ask you kindly as To why the fuck zemo is out of his cell?"

Bucky: "we need him more that we realize. Now we need to go, now!"

Zemo: "I promise not to cause any trouble"

Y/n glared at zemo for a good moment, then put down the blaster. But with a snap of his fingers, zed snaps her teeth at zemo's feet.

Y/n: "one wrong move, and I'm putting a bullet between your eyes. Now sit your asses down! where we going?"

Zemo: "to the airport"

Y/n gave zemo the side eye, before nodding to zed, who hops into her seat, and puts in the destination. Y/n gets into the drivers seat and immediately drives off.


The rust bucket 2 comes to a stop next to a very expensive looking plane. Zemo immediately leaves, with Bucky and Sam begrudgingly following.

Sam: "y/n, you coming?"

Y/n: "no. I refuse to be in the same vehicle as that guy again. I'll be right behind y'all"

Sam looks confused, but nods, thinking y/n would just follow them as an alien. As the three got into the plane, it took off. Seeing the plane in the sky, y/n went around on the dashboard, and with a few changes to the leveling, the rust bucket 2 began to float. It's wheels turning sideways, as vibranium energy began to power it, and it finally takes off after the plane.

Y/n: "so glad we worked out how to add the flight mode to this thing, huh zed?"

Zed nods.

Y/n: "now let's go and make sure they don't be idiots and die"


Now in madripoor, at night, the group all walked down the bridge, with Sam in a very over the top suit.

Sam: "we have to fix this. I'm the only one who looks like a pimp"

Zemo: "only an American would assume a fashion-forward black man looks like a pimp"

Y/n: "the outfit still is a bit much"

Sam: "thank you"

Zemo: "but he looks exactly like that man he's supposed to be playing. The sophisticated, charming African rake named Conrad mack, aka-"

Y/n: "smiling tiger. Did some research. You aren't as slick as you think zemo"

Sam: "man even has a bad nickname.."

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