Captain America: Civil War(2)

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The Tennyson's have arrived at a modern complex building, called the united nations. While everyone was dressed nicely, max and y/n didn't bother, as they were only there to visit family friends. Once they were both, along with zed, in the main room, an elderly African American man, most likely around the age of max, walks up to the Tennyson's with a very friendly smile.

???: "Max! It's nice to see you my friend!"

Max: "T'chaka! It's great to see you! Doing quite well for yourself huh?"

T'chaka: "I could say the same to you! And look at you y/n so grown. It feels like only yesterday you and shuri were playing tag with each other"

Y/n: "hey T'chaka, it's been a while"

T'chaka: "yes it has"

???: "It seems that we have some uninvited guest. But rather welcomed either way"

Max: "T'challa! My goodness, you've grown into a fine young man"

T'challa: "thank you max. It's very nice to see you both again. Especially you y/n"

Y/n: "sup T'challa"

Y/n and T'challa bump fist, then cross their arms in an X, before breaking it.

T'challa: "so, an avenger now, huh?"

Y/n: "not anymore... The accords was a bit much to handle..."

T'challa: "don't worry. You've always been a better solo hero. Apart from max. And that odd dog"

Y/n: "oh! Right, T'challa, this is zed. Zed, this is a close friend of mine, T'challa!"

T'challa kneels down and pets zed, who gladly leans into it. After a bit, a man walks up to the front, and talks through the mic.

Man: "If everyone could please be seated. This assembly is now in session"

Y/n: "alright. We'll see you after this?"

T'challa nods, as he and his father move to the front, while y/n and max move to the back. T'chaka moves to the mic, and began to speak.

T'Chaka: "When stolen Wakandan vibranium was used to make a terrible weapon, we in Wakanda were forced to question our legacy. Those men and women killed in Nigeria, were part of a goodwill mission from a country too long in the shadows. We will not, however, let misfortune drive us back. We will fight to improve the world we wish to join. I am grateful to the Avengers for supporting this initiative. Wakanda is proud to extend its hand in peace"

T'challa looks outside, and in worry, he turns to y/n, and gestures to his wrist. Y/n immediately catches on, and activates the Omnitrix. But it was too late, what T'challa saw, had already gotten there.


T'challa jumps to his father, with y/n transforming into XLR8, and zoom up, but both were too late, and an enormous explosion goes off, blasting away y/n and T'challa. In the dust and flames, T'challa finds his father lying on the floor with closed eyes. He quickly feels for a pulse, but his father lies still. Y/n also finds his way to T'chaka, but he was just as devastated as T'challa was.

Y/n: "i-is he..?"

T'challa solemnly nods, turning to y/n, who collapses onto his knees, all hope in his eyes gone.


A little while later, ambulance and firefighters have arrived, and took in and helped any injured... And took the ones who didn't make it. Y/n however, he wasn't think straight at all. He was sitting in the back of an ambulance, hugging his knees. Max and T'challa were sitting on a bench next to it, looking worryingly at y/n.

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