Falcon & winter soldier (5)

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A chapter back to back! Y'all's lucky.

This is for you guys being so patient with me. Getting two chapters two days in a row, and also finishing off falcon and the winter soldier!

That's right! This is the last chapter of the series! Up next is shang-chi!

Although, before it goes into the story, I want to talk about something.

So, as you guys know, I had plans for an y/n solo series called roadtrip adventures. However, I tried every single possible way to make it work. I tried doing it with, and without the other marvel shows. A single story instead of a worldwide one. And even limiting it to three chapters as if it was a solo film... But nothing worked. So I'm sad to say, that y/n 10: roadtrip adventures.. as been cancelled...

Don't worry though! A solo film will be made later on, and will happen later in the timeline! And will have the same ending point that I had planned for roadtrip adventures.

Title is pending, so I'll keep you guys up to date about it!

Anyway, enough about that! On with the final chapter of falcon and the winter soldier!


John had run from the scene, with Sam and Bucky chasing after him... As much as he wanted to chase after them, y/n was forced to stay behind, to take care of the media.

XLR8: "people! Please! Calm yourselves!"

Woman1: "what the hell happened?!"

Man1: "what'll happen to the new captain America?"

Woman2: "what's gonna happen to the avengers from this?!"

XLR8: "calm down! I'll take care of this! The actions of John walker will not affect the avengers! As for that wannabe captain... I'll deal with him. Legally. Now please! Back away!"

Y/n changes into four arms, and gently pushes pedestrians away, as an abundance pulls up to take away the saddened body of the dead.

Zed swoops down, and lands behind y/n, and changes to her regular form, followed by y/n doing the same.

Y/n: "zed! Update"

Zed gives a saddened gruff, and leans her head against him.

Y/n: "I know girl... That bastard won't have the shield for long..."

Y/n pets her head, and watches the ambulance drive away. With a clenched fist, y/n stands up, and walks away, his plumbers comms in hand.

Y/n: "patelliday, do you copy?"

Patelliday: "yes sir! Don't worry, I already got some plumbers dispatched to take care of it"

Y/n: "thanks.."

Y/n sighs, and rubs his face.

Y/n: "you're in charge of the plumbers for the next few months. After this is all over, I need a shit ton of me time"

Patelliday: "yes sir. I bet shuri would appreciate that too"

Y/n: "heh.. no kidding. Talk to you later patelliday"

Y/n hangs up, as he and zed retreat to the rust bucket 2. Which was a bit of a lengthy walk.


It's now been about a day and a half. Y/n had just finished watching the overview of the conference where John walker was disbanded not only from being captain America, but also the military entirely.

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