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Well, well, well. I know this story hasn't been updated in a bit. The lack of MCU related stuff being the main reason.

But here this is, to not only tell y'all what's been going on behind the scenes(aka: the things that don't include y/n in assist) and/or how things change. Or any one-shots or shorts that COULD happen. And also to answer any questions.

Let's start off with the Disney+ shows.

Falcon and the winter soldier.
That's self exploratory, y/n was there!

Wandavision is the exact same.

Loki(season 1)
More or less the same.
Throughout the events of season 1, paradox was keeping a close eye on the TVA. thanks to him being a time walker, he's able to escape being caught, or even seen by them. But paradox completely knows about "He who remains".

Also, paradox saves the y/ns from pruning. Any branch timeline that gets pruned, paradox saves the y/n.

What if..?
A select few episodes will be done.

Episode 1: nope. The universe of captain Carter is pretty much the same. The only difference is that... Well... It's captain Carter. BUT. Captain Carter has a sort of motherly relationship with her universes y/n.

Episode 2: maybe. I mean, T'challa as star lord is perfect when his best friend(at least the MCU versions) is someone with an alien watch, and grandmother.

Episode 3: this one's... Self exploratory. Due to plumber tech, and... Y'know, the omnitrix, Hank wouldn't be able to kill y/n. And I don't think he'd want to either. After all, by the time of the avengers incentive, y/n's 11. Even with his mind a bit... Crazy.. Hank wouldn't willingly kill a child.

Episode 4: nope. Doesn't even potentially has y/n involved. And just like Loki, paradox swoops in and saves the y/n of that timeline before it's destroyed.

Episode 5: ZOMBIES! 100% doing this one. Also, headcanon for this one, despite me being the one writing this stuff, this timeline is how "y/nzarro" came to be. Aka, his main alien is Frankenstrike.

Episode 6: kinda. Y/n and max would DEFINITELY be involved after T'challa is confirmed dead. But before that, not really.

Episode 7: nope. Y/n wouldn't be involved at all. I don't even think y/n would have the omnitrix at the point in time this would take place.

Episode 8: maybe. An Ultron with visions body, AND the infinity stones... I can potentially see Ultron cursing y/n or something of the sort. I'll have to get further into it if I do it. If you have any ideas, let me know.

Episode 9: most likely. The "what if" y/n that would be used would be my own what if where zed got the omnitrix(and became dog/wolf versions of the official aliens) and y/n unlocked his anodite powers the same day the Omnitrix fell to earth.

Moon knight
Apart from knowing the weird happenings going on in Egypt, y/n wouldn't be involved.

Y/n wouldn't directly be involved. Remember, the show takes place around Christmas, and y/n was helping Peter at that time. BUT, Clint would use his knowledge of knowing Yelena is y/n's aunt.

Ms marvel
Already has one! The one-shot "avengerCon" has y/n, shuri, and zed visit avengerCon, and meeting Kamala, and her friends. Mainly Hana, who originally was just a joke and reference to D.va from overwatch (which, fun fact, is where I got the name for y/ns sister in omni huntsman) but shes now her own character, and is now in direct contact with the plumbers, specifically magister y/n tennyson Romanoff.

She Hulk
Uhhhhhhhhh... Sadly, she-hulk still happens. I made it a quick comment from y/n at the end of shang-chi, where Bruce was using the gamma dampener. So all the she hulk stuff happens just as normal.

Now, next up is... The marvels.

I will not be doing it. It's a marvels movie. Aka, captain marvel, Ms. Marvel, and photon. BUT. y/n will notice the sun flicker. Along with the strange power surges.

Loki(season 2)
Well, paradox watched it all happening. And he was working overtime. That's all I'll say.


Now, onto Ben 10 focused stuff.

Ben 10 alien force: season 2 episode 4
That's happening. 100%. Don't worry.

Any other Ben 10 story beats y'all want me to do? I'm all ears.

Also, as seen in secrets of the omnitrix, y/n has master control. What aliens would y'all like me to show off? And I'm open to fan made ones. Or omnitrix transformations of cannon Ben 10 aliens, like sixsix, or.... Vilgax....

Again, I'm all ears.

But that's about it! Again, sorry about the lack of updates for this thing, it's hard to update something when it's connected to a universe that's barely been giving good enough stuff that I can make an excuse to include y/n in.

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