A promise

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Knock Knock

You wake up to a knock at your door. That seemed to be happening more often. Slowly you get out of bed and walk over to the door and answered it. It opens and outside you see Urushihara standing with his arms behind his back. In a way, it looked like he was hiding something but you couldn't tell if he was or not.

"Hey '____' mind if I come in?"

Urushihara went inside your room... He's never been in your house before but you've been in his, so it was only fair that you let him in.

"Ohh um.. ya sure!"

You smile and move out of the way so we could come inside. When he got inside you closed the door behind him and walked over to the couch to sit down. You invited him to sit beside you and he slowly made his way to the couch. He still had his hands behind his back. Before he sat down he put something under a pillow then sat. Urushihara was up to something but you didn't know what. It was really bugging you. Like bugging you a lot!

"So whats up?"

You look at him seeing if he would tell you anything about what he was doing or hiding. He probably wasn't going to tell you but it was worth a shot right?

"I just wanted to hang out with my amazing friend. Girlfriend? Well whatever names don't matter."

He sounded sarcastic at the beginning. God he was so confusing sometimes. He was sweet one second and the next he could turn into a total asshole. A asshole you really liked.. Something about the smug look on his face made you love him more.

"So '____' how are you today?"

He kept looking at you for some reason. You turned your head and looked at the ground. What should you say? Your fine? Today's been good? Maybe ask him why he came here so early. Wait why were you so worried? It was just Urushihara. Just a demon in your house, Heh a demon in your house. You easly got used to knowing there demons. You realized you were taking to long to answer so you quickly blurt out a answer

"Yes! I'm good!"

Did You really just yell your good? Oh god what were you thinking? Making a fool of yourself in front of Urushihara. What was he going to say? You turn your head slightly to look at him and he smiled a bit.

"Ohh that's good.. Say '____' Would you say we're dating? Well a couple?"

Were you guys a couple? You thought you guys were. You smiled at him not knowing what to say.

"Um... ya I guess we are."

He quickly stood up and handed you a bag then ran out the door. What just happened? You watched as he left and closed the door behind him. You hear a bang outside and run out to see what it was. When you opened the door you saw Emi and Urushihara on the floor. It looked like he ran into her when he was running out of your room. Emi suddenly started yelling.

"What the hell! Watch where your going dumb ass!"

You laughed a bit at Emi yelling. She got into fights with all your neighbor's way too often. It was fun to find out what they were fighting about this time.

"Me a dumb ass? Whatever you know I'm ten times smarter then you!"

Urushihara started yelling back.  You didn't want to get involved so you slowly backed into your room. Ashiya will probably get involved and break it up anyways. You closed your door and sat back down on your couch. The bag Urushihara left sat beside you. You grabbed the bag and saw a small back. Inside was what looked to be a promise ring. Taped to the bottom of the box was note.

'Here. I know this may be weird but.... ya sorry its weird writing this note. I thought I should get you this to show you I care for you in a way... Well talk to you later. -Urushihara'

You kept reading the note over and over again. You couldn't help but smile. You put on the ring and looked back inside the bag. There was one other thing inside the bag. You put your hand in it and pulled out a light brown teddy bear holding a small heart. It was adorable! You grabbed the teddy bear and hugged it.

"Thanks Urushihara..."

(I wanted to say thanks to everyone reading this. I never thought i would get 1000 reads so 13k means a lot. I know this fanfic is pretty shit and I suck at writing but im happy to see people enjoying this. I would love for you guys to comment some of the ideas you had! It helps a lot. The idea for this chapter was by Cego145. Thanks!)

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