It cant happen again

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It was the day after that weird dream. You tried to shake it off as if it was nothing but you just couldn't. What was all that? Ente Isla.. Was that what it was like? It wasn't a friendly place. Your never wanted to go there again, even though you weren't technically there.. Right? You didn't even know. It was a dream but it seemed so real. Like it was happening, or would happen. A dream like that wasn't normal for the most part. It wasn't the first time you had a dream like that. That dream kept repeating for the next few nights. Over and over again. A terrible dream that started at the same place and ended with that little girl.

You tried to forget but you just couldn't so you decided to go see Mao and talk to him about that. You left your room and went to his, knocking on the door and waiting for him to answer. It would be strange since you hadn't talked to them much after what happened. It brought back things you didn't want to think about. Well you didn't then. Now it didn't matter. You just needed to know what was happening. "Coming!" A young man yelled.

The door quickly opened and there stood Mao. "Oh, hey '___' what's up?" He smiled and let you in. "Hey.. I have something I need to talk to you about.. Urushihara."

His mood changed from happy to serious right away. That was Satan for you. He sat down and you sat across from him, looking away from the computer Urushihara used to always be on. "So what is it?" He got quickly to the point. "For the last few nights I've had the same dream. I 'woke up' in a cage having no idea where I was then I heard a voice, Urushihara's voice. He talked then just left me alone for hours. It would be silent until a little girl came saying she would help me out. I asked her where I was and she said.. Ente Isla."

His eyes widened as he heard the last part. "Ente Isla.. Strange. and it keeps repeating? Have you had dreams like this before? That just.. Kept repeating?" A dream like this.. A reporting dream. Had you?

-Many years before-

"Mom!" A young child screamed. "That dream happened again!" The child's mother ran into the room quickly, pulling her child into a hug. "Shh.. Your fine '___'. It's just a dream" the mother sent her child back to bed and left once again.

The child's dream was of a car accident. A terrible one. A man drove a car late at night down the highway. It seemed fine. A perfect night. The man was coming back home from a business trip. He was driving a bit faster then usual, excited to see his family again since he missed them. The man never got to see his family. A drunk driver was driving on the wrong side of the road. The side the man was on. A head on collision happened and neither drivers got out alive.

The morning after the little kid had the same nightmare again their mother got a call. When the mother answered she began to burst into tears. The call was about the child's father. He had died last night. A car accident caused by a drunk driver. Like the kids dream. "Honey.. Your father.. h-he's gone!" The mother began to cry again.

"I told you mom!" The child began to cry. "It wasn't just a dream.. I told you.." They mumbled quickly as they fell to the ground crying

-Back to the present-

"I have had a dream like this before.. When I was only nine. I kept having a dream about a man dying in a car accident. It repeated for a week, the week my father was gone on a business trip. On his way home he got in an accident because of a drunk driver... Exactly like my dream" you sighed quietly, not wanting to remember the dream.

Mao thought about that for a second then signed. "That's a common thing for humans in Ente Isla. Not humans from here.." All of this made him began to think. "This is all very strange.. Il think about this. Thanks for telling me '___'." He smiled and you nod.

After that you head home and sit down, resting. "Let's hope it won't turn out like that.." It was just a coincidence right? Ya.. That couldn't happen again. It couldn't..

Hey guys! Are you guys still enjoying this? I really do love feedback and I don't really get much of it. I would love if you guys left some! I'm sorry for not updating in so long. Two updates in two days because of that. I actually should be updating more. I went through a time where I just didn't have the motivation to right but I'm back now! I hope you guys enjoyed this update and I'd love some feedback! Thanks you for reading! It really means a lot that you guys are still here, dealing with me rarely updating. Thanks.

Oh ya! I wanted to add in that I also started doing the 30 Day Anime Challenge if any of you want to check that out! I'm also planing on doing a Q and A if any of you guys want to ask me something then ask away in the comments!

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