Roommates (Edited)

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You and Ashiya walked to the closest store. Most of the walk no one talked but since it wasn't a long walk you didn't really mind. When you both got there you looked around and picked up a few snacks and drinks. A few things to last a bit. You pay and wait for Ashiya outside. You see him walking out with his hands full of bags. "Hey, want me to help?"

"Really? Well sure, if you want to help. thank you." He handed you a few bags and started walking. The walk back was the same as the walk there except you tried to make some small talk, Even though you weren't the best at it. You still tried. You get to his room and watch as he unlocks the door. "Come on in.."

He invited you in and you nod, Slowly walking into their room and looking around. Quite a small a small place for Three people to be staying in. The same room Urushihara is staying in. as you look around you see Urushihara sitting on the ground by a computer. What was he doing on it? You took a closer look and noticed he was online shopping.

"Hey, im back. I brought back all the stuff you wanted oh and also '____' is here. They actually helped me carry a few bags in." He looked back and gives you a small wave. Ashiya invited you to sit at the table and you nod. As you sit you look back and still see Urushihara on the computer. You think to your self and laugh quietly, wondering how often he was actually on that thing.

Ashiya walked into the kitchen and began to put a few things away "Would you like anything to drink?" He said as he grabbed a cup from the cupboard. "Oh.. Yeah, sure. Thanks!" You smile brightly as he gets  cup of water, walks over and hands it to you

You look around the room. It looks a lot like yours. It made sense since they were all the same size. At least you thought they were. They seemed to have less space since there were more people living there. They had another roommate. His name you did not know. "Hey '____' you got a job?" Urushihara looked at you with an interesting look. As if he was up to something.

"A job?"  You just moved here so you hadn't gotten the chance to find one yet. It was bad since you really needed one soon. Your bank account had enough to last you a few months rent. Good enough for now. "Actually no... I don't have one right now but i'm currently looking for one. Why?" You tilted your head to the side slightly and looked at him slightly confused.

"Well.." Urushihara grinned widely. "I may know someone who can get you a job. Trust me it will be fun!" That look on his face made you think differently but you just went along with it. No harm, Right?

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