It will get better

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"My dear~" You hear someone call from across the room, Urushihara. 

"Are you enjoying it here?" He began walking closer to you. 

"Sorry you had to stay here. I have a better place for you to stay but, You have to promise you wont run. Il make sure you cant run." As he spoke the cage began and he grabbed your hand, Dragging you across the room and into a long, Dark hallway. He lead you to a door and slowly opened it, Revealing a fancy room decorated in jewels. An all around lovely room except for one part. The window was pure black. It was clearly a window that was painted over, Stopping people from looking out.

"W-Whats all this?" You stuttered quickly as you see him smirk. 

"This room," He paused "This room is your. You stay here from now on but you cant leave. Not unless I say so."

Just he was about to leave you there and walk out you quickly grabbed his hand. "Are you just going to leave me without answers? Why? Why! What's the point of all this, Of bringing me here? You took me out of my normal life into.. Hell!"

"Don't worry my dear, You'll find out soonUrushihara turned back around, kissing your hang gently. As he finished talking he left, closing the door and locking it.

You began to look around the room since, what else did you have to do? You were trapped there now. The room seemed.. actually pretty nice. Well, not Suprising since you were I'm a castle after all. This was a castle right?  I guess while everyone was gone the demons took it back. What about the humans? Are they ok? Did that even matter anymore?

You just walked around the room questioning everything. What was there to do now? How long would you be stuck here? What even was his plan? Did he even have one or did he just bring you here? Who knew. You sure didn't.

As you walked around you passed the window and decided to look outside. You had never seen this world before. As you looked out the window right away you could see demons guarding the castle. Far off in the distance you could see green fields and a small village. It looked so peaceful. How long would it stay like that?

In the end you pulled up a seat by the  window. Before you knew it the dark began spread and nighttime came. "Is it already so late? Wow"

You decided to get into bed, right before you were going to fall asleep there was a knock at the door. "Um, Yes?"

After you replied the door swung open. Once again it was Urushihara. "Do you really think I would let my love go to sleep without saying goodnight?" He chuckled and walked up beside the bed, holding something behind his back.

Once he got there, he kneeled down beside the bed and place a stuffed bear beside you, the same one as before. "I know you may not like it here but I promise it will get better. It may just take some time getting used to it. I promise.. no mater what changed I still feel the same way. Now sleep.. you need it."

As he finished speaking you suddenly got very tired. You ended up passing out and the last thing you heard was Urushiharas voice. "Il always love you '_____'."

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