No more

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It had been a few days since you talked to Mao about Urushihara and that strange dream. He hadn't gotten back to you about anything. Because of this your life had pretty much... Stopped. Nothing was normal anymore. What was normal even? You had no idea anymore. Since you moved here nothing was normal. The only normal thing was your job. A boring job but still a job. Better then nothing right?

Since everything Urushihara did your life just stopped because of him. It changed. You lived a normal live before him. No worry in the world really. Little worry. When you first moved here it seemed fine. Now you regret it.

Ring, Ring! You're phone began to ring. What was it now? You grabbed your phone and looked. It was work calling. It was time to leave soon wasn't it? "Hello?" You spoke softly as you picked up the phone. A man on the phone began to speak. "I just called to remind you, this week everyone has off"

Oh ya, you almost forgot. You hung up the phone and threw it to the side, laying back in bed and falling asleep. You didn't even care what happened from here. Didn't matter.

~You hear a noise late at night. You slowly open your eyes and see yourself in a new place. Where was this? It looked like.. A castle of some sort. And a cage.. you were in a cage!! You hear a voice from somewhere off in the distance. "Why hello my little princ.."

Knock, Knock, Knock! Something woke you up from your nap. Someone banging at the door. Who? Why? Can't they just leave? "it's me! Mao. Get up '_____' " you sighed and got out of bed. "What do you want?" You stand up and make your way to the door, opening it slowly.

"I think I know what it is! I've been doing some research.. I think I know what's going on" he hesitated a second before beginning to speak again. "It makes sense why Urushihara is more attracted to you then humans from here."

What was he even saying. You were really just to tired to care anymore. " '_____' your... Your from Ente Isla."

"Wait what? No! I'm not" you pushed him out the door "I'm not from Ente Isla. I'm human. A normal human. Not whatever creatures you guys are. I refuse to be like you guys I'm me. A normal human." You crossed your arm. "I don't want anything else to do with this! Ok?" You slammed the door and walked away, laying back down.

"No more demons. No more. I'm a normal human.. That's all I am and that's all il ever be. I refuse to be anymore." The rest of the day after that was normal. You slept peacefully that night and that dream ended. You didn't have it that night. It was strange but you were fine with it. 

From now on your life would be normal. No demons. Nothing. You didn't need Uruishihara. You loved him but that didn't matter. Love or not. You were normal. You are normal. Nothing else but normal. This was the end of the demons.

"Try all you want but normal is something you may never be granted~"

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