Its Beginning

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"Honey i'm home!" An excited fallen angel said happily. Why was he back? He shouldn't be back now. He should have never come back.. Just play it off as nothing.. Ya thats it. 

"Oh Urushihara, Where have you been? I haven't seen you in ages." You said in a very emotionless voice, Clearly not interested in anything you just said. The purpled haired man walked closer to you with a huge grin on his face. "Where was I? Hmm." He paused to think about the question for a second. "Thats a good question. Where have I been?" He closed the door, Locking it quickly and moved to take a seat.

"I've been here, There, Almost everywhere." Why was he so calm? Why was he acting like nothing happened? You quickly looked around and grabbed your phone, Hoping he wouldn't notice. Lucky for you he didn't. You tried to keep talking, Hoping to keep him distracted as you quickly messed Emi

"Emi, Please come to my house quickly. Bring the others. We have a huge problem. He's back."

You quickly sent the message and put your phone in your pocket. Quickly you got serious.  "Let's get to the chase, Why are you back here? Why? Why now of all time?!? I didn't want you back here!" Instantly you got angry. Who cared about what happened at this point.

You were beginning to break. If you didn't move here it could have been perfect. You would have never met any of these people none of this would have happened. You wouldn't be here right now, You're life wouldn't be in danger and you would just be completely normal like everyone else. Maybe then you wouldn't be like this right now, Slowly breaking. All because you fell in love with a demon.

"What do you think im doing here? I'm here to bring you home with me." Before you could reply to him you started feeling dizzy and suddenly you were out cold.

You slowly open your eyes a few hours later and your in a new place. Where was this? It looked like.. A castle of some sort. And a cage.. you were in a cage!! You hear a voice from somewhere off in the distance. "Why hello my little princess."

That voice.. "Urushihara? Where am I?!? Tell me!" You began to demand. He has to tell you. Hee must! He snickers and you here a quiet reply "Its beginning". "Great.." You mumble and sit down, Slowly you begin to give up what little hope you had.

You say there for.. Hours probably. Nothing changed. No noise. Nothing. Just dead silence. You closed your eyes and began to relax until you heard small steps coming towards you. "Who's there?" You instantly jump up and look around.

In front of you there was a young, Human girl standing there. "Hello.. Are you trapped here? I can help you out. Its very simple to get free."

"But where are we? I truly don't know where I am." You sigh quietly and didn't really expect much of an answer from this.. Strong young girl. "Silly.. We're in Ente Isla"

(Hey guys! I just wanted to say that these next few chapters will probably be the end. I have a feeling you guys may not enjoy the ending so im saying sorry now, But it may lead into a sequel. It depends how the feedback is. 

Lets have a game! First person to guess closest to what will happen in the end will get to add a character to the few final chapters and will get mentioned. This will last a few days. I hope you have fun guessing. Don't forget to like and comment! Thanks~!)

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