It's Normal.. Right?

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   How long had it been since you saw your neighbors? It must have been at least a month. Maybe more. You lost track of time after awhile. Life became.. Normal? As normal as you were getting. You wake up, Get ready and go to work. Then go home, Eat and go to sleep. That's how life was now. Once and awhile you would go out with a few co workers. That's just what it was now. It was a routine. Something you enjoyed. No need to worry about what would happen next. No need to be in fear anymore. Nothing would happen, Nothing could happen. It was boring but normal. That's what you wanted.. Right? Yes, It was.

You wake up to the sound of something you know too well, Your alarm clock. Time for work, Again. You get out of bed and stretch before going to get ready. As you finish getting ready you make your way outside and meet Emi. Yes, She was from.. There, But she swore not to speak of anything to do with it near you. She was just a normal friend from work. Normal. That's all you wanted. When you got to work you and Emi parted ways, Going to your separate desks. Then work began.

"Hello, My name is '____" How may I help you?" The same line as always. It was mandatory. Even if you didn't have to say that, What else was there to say? You were there because it was your Job and they called because they wanted help. They didn't call because they wanted to talk. No, That would be just silly. Repeating the same line over and over again, Dealing with annoying people. That was work. It was Normal. As you finished your final call and made your way to the break room you and Emi started talking again. 

"This jobs so boring" She sighed. She was right. It was boring. "But it pays the bills right? That's all that matters really" Once again, correct. Without this job you would have nothing. No matter how boring or pointless it seemed, You needed it. "Hey, me and a few others are going out for a bit. Wanna join us?" Emi said happily

Usually you would say yes right away but.. You didn't. "No sorry, I think i'll just go home and rest. Thanks for the offer." You quickly made your way out of work and started heading home. Why didn't you say yes? It would have been fun. Why? That can't be right. You always said yes. Always. Why not this time? You quickly made your way home, Threw everything to the side and sat on your couch. Why? That was all you could think. Something wasnt right. You could tell.

"Hah, It's probably nothing. I'm just tired. Ya! That's it. That's why I didn't go." You tried to reason with yourself and went to lay down. "Sleep, I just need to sleep." You kept repeating to yourself until you dozed off into a deep sleep.

You quickly wake up, Startled by a sound. Not your normal alarm clock. A phone. You were getting a phone call. You hesitated but picked it up. "Hello..? Oh, Boss." You sighed in relief. "Wait.. What? Oh, Ok. No problem." He called to say that you're shifts got switched around and you didn't have to come in today. That wasnt normal.

 What was happening? Everything was so normal before. No need to panic, Just keep doing what you always did during days off, Get ready and watch some Tv. You did exactly that.. All day. When it was time for bed you changed once more and started heading to your bed. You suddenly froze, What was on your bed? A.. Teddy bear. It wasn't just any one.. The one Urushihara gave you. Suddenly the door slammed open, Oh no. You would tell who it was without turning around. Why now? Why did he come back now? You were just getting yourself back on track. Not now. It's not fair.

An actual update? I know, Shocking! To all the people reading this, I'm very sorry! I haven't been up to updating but i'm trying my best. I feel like i'm disappointing you guys but i'll keep going.
Thank you for reading. Please don't forget to vote and comment if you have feedback! It you aren't following me and really like this fic then maybe consider following. Well, I'll see you guys in the next update! Hopefully coming soon.

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