Chapter 1: Where it all started

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Chelsea is sat flirtatiously giggling on her phone when Raven walks in and she knows Chelsea is up to something.

"Hey chels what cha doing?"
"Oh errrm I'm just er...... shopping" she says stammering.

Raven instantly knows she is lying because she just bought new clothes yesterday.

'Mhmm so what are you shopping for maybe I could help you pick out something I am a fashion designer you know.'
'Oh I'm shopping for... um you know.. stuff.' Chelsea says nervously.

Suddenly the infamous feeling of a vision comes rushing over her.

In this vision she hears a knock at the door and then she sees Chelsea very excitedly rush to go open it and hears her greet the mysterious person in a flirty and seductive tone.

'Did you just have a vision, what was it about?'
'Oh er nothing important.'
'All right then I'll get back to my shopping.'

Raven stares at Chelsea very judgementally and tries to see what she is doing on her phone as Chelsea slowly tilts the screen away from her gaze.

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