Chapter 2: The arrival

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Chelsea is in the kitchen cooking something Levi enters with a confused look as they had already had lunch.

"What are you making mom?"
Chelsea smiles as she says "I'm just making some cookies for a friend that is coming over,"
'They better not have any vegetables in them' Levi says a bit aggressively
'No, what's wrong with vegetables and watch your tone and be polite my friend will be here any second now'

Levi was even more puzzled he didn't know someone was coming over or who this person is. Suddenly there is a knock at the door, Chelsea rushes over and drops her apron on Levi. She wipes the flour from her face, checks her hair in the mirror and opens the door.

Levi notices Raven trying to see who is at the door.
'Auntie Rae, mom has a friend coming over do you know who it is?' He whispered.
'No, but I had a vision about this,' Raven whispers back.
"How lovely it is to see you again Chelsea," the mysterious person says in a very strong posh British accent.

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