Chapter 8: I know who you like

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Ever since Chelsea and Honey got back they haven't stopped smiling and playfully looking at each other. It became very obvious to Raven that Honey was the person that Chelsea was crying about.

'Hey chels can I talk to you for a second?'
'Yeah sure..' Chelsea turns to Honey 'excuse me for a second'

Chelsea walks over to the kitchen
'What do you want to talk about?' Chelsea asks very confused.
'Well I know who you like.' Raven says very calmly.
'Y- you do? How?' Chelsea said even more confused.
'Oh come on I'm your friend it's obvious that you like Honey,'
'Well what do you think of her?' Chelsea says still a little worried.
'I think she is a perfect match for you and I've never seen you so happy before.' Raven comforted her.
'Thanks Rae you always have been so good to me that's why you're my best friend.' Chelsea gave Raven a hug with tears in her eyes.

Chelsea sat back down next to Honey and put her arm around her.

'What's wrong darling why are you crying.' Honey said looking around to see if anyone can see them, she didn't notice Raven in the kitchen so she placed her hand on Chelsea's cheek wiping away the tears.
'It's just that I'm so happy to be with you,' Chelsea then pulled Honey in for a kiss on the cheek.

'Awww that's so sweet.' Raven said coming out of the kitchen.
'It's err not what you thi-' Honey started but was interrupted by Chelsea saying 'No no no it's ok, Raven figured it out,'
'It was pretty obvious and I'm happy for you two,' Raven said coming to sit on the arm of the couch.
'Well thank you Raven it means a lot. Hey it's getting pretty late now we should go to bed.' Honey said very sincerely.
'Actually Raven do you mind if I sleep here with Honey,' Chelsea asked.
'No not at all, just don't do anything nasty,' Raven replied.
'Oh no it's to early for that yet,' Honey said trying to laugh it off.

As Raven walked away she had another vision. In this one Honey was stood by the door. Honey looked very angry and Chelsea had tears in her eyes and then Honey shouted 'ITS OVER! GOODBYE!'
Raven whispered under her breath 'oh no I don't want my best friend to be sad'

Chelsea and Honey pulled out the bed and climbed in. They laid there for a few minutes staring at each other and smiling until they couldn't keep their eyes open anymore. Then Honey spooned Chelsea putting her hands around her waist and they fell asleep in each other's arms.

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