Chapter 4: The roof

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'And this is the roof I spend a lot of time up here looking after my plants I use to make my famous vegetable smoothies and it's a great place just to think' Chelsea says.

Honey walks over to the edge and Chelsea follows her. They both look over the wall just staring at the city's skyline.

Chelsea finds herself staring at honey's eyes. Honey notices Chelsea staring at her and she just smiled and looked into Chelsea's eyes. There faces got closer and closer together until they could feel each other's warm breath on their faces Honey reached out her hand to touch Chelsea's and their lips were almost touching. Chelsea had butterflies in her stomach she had never felt this way about another girl before. At that moment it seemed like time had stopped and they were the only people in the world forever lost in each other's eyes.

But that feeling quickly went away when they heard Tess bouncing her basketball.

'Oops looks like Im interrupting something here' Tess says awkwardly.
They pull away as fast as they could hoping she didn't see anything. But of course Tess saw, how could you not it was so obvious. Tess slowly backs away.

'We should err go back it's getting cold up here' Honey says trying to pretend like what just happened wasn't awkward.

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