Chapter 5: The night after

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That night the only thing Chelsea could think about was Honey, while she was eating, while she was talking, while she was watching TV, literally every second all she could think about was what happened on the roof.

That night Chelsea just couldn't get to sleep she was talking to herself all night asking how? How could she love another woman? What does she identify as? Lesbian? Pansexual? Bisexual? No she couldn't she is straight. She has always liked guys. But Honey gives her butterflies anytime she looks at her.

It all was too overwhelming for Chelsea and she started to sob into her pillow. Raven woke up and immediately went over to check Chelsea to see what's wrong and to comfort her.

'Oh Chels what's wrong please tell me come on I'm your best friend you can trust me.' Raven says softly.
Chelsea sniffed and wiped her eyes, 'I- i-it's just that I think I like someone,'
'Isn't that supposed to be a good feeling.'
'Well it would be but I'm not supposed to like this person and I just don't understand why I do.' Chelsea cries even more.

Raven sits Chelsea up in her bed and puts her head on her shoulder.

'Well you are meant to like who you are meant to like and you never know they might like you back.' Raven says while drying her eyes.
'I don't think she does.' Chelsea gasps in shock at what she just said.
'Oh it's a she that's ok don't worry. I never knew you liked girls.' Raven says surprised but proud.
'Yeah neither did I' Chelsea says still a little shocked
'Thank you for telling me. Hey let me get you a hot chocolate to help you get to sleep.'

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