Chapter 10: The argument

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'W- what's wrong,' Honey said worriedly.
'I heard you know my ex husband Garret,'
'Yes we used to live on the same road what is the serious face for though,'
'Well the reason I got a divorce was because he stole my money,'
'What he was so kind growing up, still not quite understanding why your so serious,'
Chelsea started to tear up so she grabbed Honey's hand.
' I was wondering if you are like him,'
There was a long pause
'I can't believe you, you are just paranoid. Why would you think that?' Honey was very angry with Chelsea and how she didn't trust her.
'But wait let me expla-,' Chelsea started to cry.
'No I don't want to hear anything from you. I trusted you then you say silly things like this. You know what, I AM LEAVING I will just stay in a hotel like I should have been doing ALL THIS TIME!' Honey raised her voice.
'Please wait' Chelsea could do nothing but beg her to stay.
'NO I am not waiting for you anymore. ITS OVER! GOODBYE!' Honey slammed the door in Chelsea's face leaving her crying.

'Oh chels im sorry come here,' Raven opened her arms getting ready to hug her.
'No Raven this is ALL YOUR FAULT!'
And Chelsea ran off tears streaming down her face.

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