Chapter 11: Please.

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After the argument, Chelsea didn't talk or even look at Raven after what she did. She just laid in her bed and stared at the ceiling feeling numb.

Raven felt so bad but she had an idea of how to make everything ok again. So in the morning she planned to find honey and talk it out.

Raven walked around the block to Honeys bakery. When she got there she found Honey in the same state as Chelsea.

'Umm....Hi how are you doing.'
'Oh hi it's you. What are you doing here?'
'I just wanted to say I'm sorry.'
'It's not you that should be apologising,'
'Actually It's my fault. I told Chelsea to ask you about Garret. I knew you liked each other and I just didn't want Chelsea going through that again,'
'Wow if you did all that just for her then she must be worth it.'
'You see that's why I came here. I think you should go see her,'
'Wait isn't she mad at me for storming off,'
'Please. Chelsea is not feeling good and I know you will make her feel better.'
'Ok you are right because I don't just like Chelsea I love her with all my heart and I can't be without her,'
'Awww. Yes! Let's go get Chelsea back.'

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