Chapter 6: We need to talk.

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The next morning Honey woke up cleaned the couch and started to make breakfast: stacks of delicious pancakes and maple syrup.

Booker Levi and Nia all walk to the kitchen following the sweet smell.

'Who are you!' Booker and Nia shouted in unison.
'That's Honey my mom's friend from the cruise she will be staying here for a while.' Levi explained.
'Hello you must be Raven's children, Booker and Nia how nice to meet you.'
'Wow you can stay as long as you want is you always make breakfast like that.' Booker says while staring at the stacks of pancakes.

'I'll go wake up mom and aunt chels and tell them that breakfast is ready.'
Nia says with her mouth watering at the thought of the pancakes.

Everyone is sat at the table enjoying their food and talking about what they have planned for the day.

'Me and Tess are going to the shopping mall to see the new shop that just opened.' Nia says excitedly
'Not on you own your not!' Raven says 'plus I need some new shoes so I'm coming with you.'
'What are you doing today Honey.' Chelsea asks.
'Well I need to start decorating the café.'
'Could i help with anything and it would be a good opportunity to catch up.' Honey automatically knew 'catch up' meant that Chelsea wanted to talk about what happened yesterday

So after breakfast Honey drove Chelsea to the café to help her decorate.

Chelsea speaks up and says, 'Hey we need to talk about yesterday.'

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