Chapter 7: So about yesterday

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'So yesterday.' Chelsea says to start the conversation
'Oh yes it was very nice of you and Raven to let my stay.' Honey says trying to avoid the whole roof thing.
'Come on you know what I mean.' Chelsea said getting a bit frustrated now.

Honey turns to face her. Chelsea's heart skipped a beat.

'The roof?' Honey said looking at Chelsea's eyes.
'Yes, the roof. Why did that happen? Why me?' Chelsea says her eyes tearing up.

Honey gently placed her hand on Chelsea's cheek and said 'Well these things happen for a reason and it's up to you to find out why.'

Honey took a step towards Chelsea and looked her up and down. Chelsea had butterflies again. Their faces getting close again. Chelsea placed one one Honey's waist and the other on her shoulder. Honey pulled Chelsea in their bodies pushed against each other. Honey's head tilted getting ready to kiss her.

Chelsea thought about kissing her and how everyone would react. At that moment she didn't care this it's what she wanted.

And they kissed their lips moving together. It was the best kiss ever. And it was the happiest Chelsea had been since Garret left her. She knew why now. It's was because she didn't just like her she loved this woman that she was kissing.

After the kiss they both just smiled and got back to the decorating.

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