Chapter 9

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Ivan's Pov

We were still looking at the screen. 

"So, what do we do?" For a doctor, he wasn't very smart in the head.

"Well, I don't know. We just found out that the don's ex-fiance had his child behind his back that he still doesn't know about. If we do nothing she will be used by the men in this building and he will eventually find out. Guess who it's gonna all tie back to? Us. Guess what's going to happen to us when he finds out. So you tell me, doctor, what should we do." I gave him a questioning look.

"Uh well-"

"It was a rhetorical question. You are coming with me, we are going to tell the don." I walked to the door waiting for him.

"Well, any day now." I threw my hands in the air dramatically.

He slowly got up. "We could get killed if he doesn't believe us. You know how he doesn't like to be bothered by unnecessary situations." He played with his fingers nervously.

"Well, you would make him believe us." I walked out of the room.

"W-wait, me?"

Annika's Pov

"So Viktoria how would you feel if you were one of us or maybe you have a hidden ability to fight or-"

"SHUT UP!" She jumped and looked at me in surprise.

"You have been constantly nagging me about the stupid thing for hours. Please just leave it." 

"Am sorry if I went overboard, I was just excited."

"EXCITED FOR ME TO BECOME A PROSTITUTE" I wasn't upset at her, I was just annoyed.

"We prefer pets." Maria had her hand out looking at her nails.

"Shut the fuck up." I screamed at Maria. I was about to say something else when the door opened behind me. I didn't look nor did I turn around.

I felt a presence beside me looking up. I saw it was Ivan.

"Oh, hey Ass monkey." I smiled at him but he just rolled his eyes.

"You need to come with us." He had my hand on my shoulder. I slowly looked at his hand in disgust.

"Is she okay?" Eva stood up with worry on her face.

"She's fine. Actually, she's really healthy." I turned to look at him when I noticed an old man with a few gray strands and a doctor's coat behind him.

"What's going on?" I was now worried.

"The Viktoria you said you are is someone else, possibly your step sister. Your mom kinda gave us a lead on you." He had a smirk, a smirk I so wanted to slap away.

"I don't understand what you're talking about." How can my mom have led them to me? They were probably gonna kill me. Looking at the door I managed to know that there were no guards and I could make a run for it.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about." I kicked him in the groin with my knee and ran towards the door. The doctor guy moved out of my way and I kept on running. I heard Ivan yell for the guards but I kept on running. Looking back to see if I was in the clear I ran straight into a wall.

Being pushed on my ass I groaned and looked up to see it wasn't a wall but someone.

"What are you fucking made up of... brick?" I started to get up and then I remembered I was running from some people. I was about to run again when the men grabbed me.

"Did your mothers not teach you to not touch women without their consent?" I shouted as I was being dragged back to the room.

"No, but my mom did teach me how fuck one." I stopped struggling and looked to the right at the man.

"That's not normal. If you need someone to talk to I'm always here, well for now." He stopped

"Really?" He asked.

"Yeah" We heard a sigh behind us along with heavy footsteps.

"You have one hell of a kick." I tried to hold back my laughter as I looked at Ivan holding his groin, he walked in front of me.

"Well I hope you're not planning to reproduce." He scoffed and turned towards the brick which I haven't seen before.

"I'm sorry for her behavior, boss." Boss? What does he mean boss?

"Wait, what do you mean boss?"

He turned and looked at me with one of his smirks.

"You heard me. Meet the don, Matvey Volkov."

"You're the boss" He nodded slowly unsure of what was going on. He was tall and muscular with messy black hair. He had on a long dark blue coat.

"Well, then I was meaning to talk to you 'boss'. Can I call you brick, I am gonna call you brick. Are you one of those sexist pricks because if you are, you're gonna have a piece of my mind today brick." Ivan looked at me with wide eyes. Brick had anger written all over his face. Looking around everyone was speechless and staring as if I had three noses.

"What, did I say something wrong?"

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