Chapter 30

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It was the second day of the new year. We ended up going clubbing yesterday getting drunk.

"I want a tattoo." We were in the living room at the house. Alexi's feet were Michail's lap on the couch and I was on the couch opposite of them with Luka sitting beside me. My feet were on Waylan's.

Luka was scrolling on his phone when he tilted his head, probably thinking.

"I think you would rock the look baby doll," Alexi told me.

"What tattoo do you want," Michail asked, massaging Alexi's feet.

"I don't know, I just want a tattoo, one that defines me."

"You mean your love for fire." Nikolai came into the room taking a seat beside Michail.

"Fuck you." I said to him,

"I mean you could get your omerta while you're at it to make your stay here official." Luka looked at me. We heard footsteps coming downstairs.

"I got something for you guys. I want all of you on this, so meet me in our room in less than an hour." Nodding he walked back upstairs to his office. 

"Anybody got a lighter, it's too cold in here." Michail got up walking towards the fireplace. Taking my lighter from my bra I gave it to him he looked at me weird.

"You keep a lighter in.... your bra." He made up his face

"Yeah, why not?" I said in a duh tone.

"Not deranged huh?" I stuck my tongue out at Niki, he blew me a kiss.

"It's not working" Standing up I took the lighter.

"There it's working" I placed the lighter on the logs and a fire blazed up.

"That was so sexy." I blurted out to the fire.

"Again not deranged. I tell you our little sister is deranged." I could feel their eyes on me.

I always liked fire ever since I was young. It held so many stories when looking at it. After burning at least two schools down my mom got worried of course those schools weren't the school I went to, they were the rivals. I burned the cafeteria down once at my school. I was sent to a physiatric who didn't help. Then my mom died. It broke me, I became empty. 

When I was young I always thought I was a superhero, every time I burned something down I walked out like nothing, wasn't coughing my bruises weren't deep and I didn't smell like smoke I guess I was Moana just with fire.

"Phoenix" They all looked at me.

"My tattoo, I want a phoenix." I subconsciously touched my necklace.

"A what." Alexi looked confused.

"My dumb brother a phoenix is a bird," Niki said to Alexi.

"Why though?" Luka turned to me.

"A phoenix tattoo is for those who are starting anew. When you feel reborn after a traumatic event or near-death experience. Some get it in the memory of a passed dear one." I held out my necklace.

"It is a great tattoo for those running away from their old life and leaving their past behind. The tattoo also means resurrection, renewal, hope, courage, beauty, grace, and the human soul. It symbolizes rebirth and starting stronger than before. It is a representation of bringing new joys and transformation in your life." It became silent looking around and everyone was staring at me with admiration.

"Waylan cleared his throat. I'm sure Boris wouldn't mind if I took you now and I'm sure dad could tell whatever it is later." Nodding, I smiled at Luka and got up walking out with Whaley. It's his new nickname. 


It was late in the night I fell asleep on the table.

"Annika, wake up" Groaning, I looked at him.

"What," I yelled at him annoyed.

"He's done. I honestly don't know how you fell asleep through that." Getting up I walked over to the mirror. I got my Phoenix tattoo along with my omerta. It was written on my upper arm.

"It looks cool." I looked at it through the mirror

"Are you sure you're gonna be okay? I mean you got three separate tattoos, one that takes up practically your whole back, one that takes up your neck and one that takes up half of your arm." I looked at him annoyed and frustrated. I got the skull tattooed onto my neck. The skull represents what Mafia or gang you are in.

"You're such a pussy." I said as we walked up to the elevator. We fell into silence.

"When do you know you love someone?" I looked over at him. Oh no.

"You're not cheating, are you?" I blurted out with eyes wide open.

"What no I would never, I care about her too much. We have been dating for three years and not once have I told her I loved her. " He slightly chuckled. The elevator opened.

"Mom once told me that patience is the key because when the right time comes, it will be very beautiful and totally worth the wait." I walked out of the elevator going towards my room.

"Why does she always do that?" I heard Waylan say before he came out.

Walking through my door I closed it. I screamed out when I saw a figure on the bed. The light turned on and I sighed staring at Luka.

He looked back at me with worry on his face.

"You fucking scared me." I walked past him and took my jacket off.

"It looks nice." He stared at my back.

"Thanks. Could you help me have a shower with my tattoo on my hand? I can't move it around?" I turned to look him in the eyes.

"To get in a shower with you naked hell yeah." Rolling my eyes, I walked into the bathroom stripping off my clothes only leaving on my underwear and bra.

He came in seconds later with only his underwear on. Didn't expect that.

"A little note when you have fresh tattoos stay far away from water." I laughed a little and backed away from the showerhead.

He got a cloth and wet it with soap, squeezing the water off he came over to me wiping the cloth all over my body.

Watching him wipe me off I began to look at his tattoos. They were mostly patterns, using my fingers I traced over the patterns until I stopped at his left chest.

It was in a language, a dead language my mother tried her best to teach me. She taught me a lot of languages. After she died I studied languages from books in the library. This language took me years to learn.

"What does it say?" He stopped looking down at where my finger was, he looked away from me sighing as he continued.

"It's nothing." He removed my hand from his chest, giving me a peck on the lips before turning around to wash out the cloth. Behind every beautiful thing, there is some kind of pain.

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