Chapter 51

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It's been a few months since the ceremony and a few weeks after it we had Waylan's funeral, Luka decided that he would step down and be second in command since he was only taking over because the boys decided to run the company. So I will be his boss while he works for me.

After Waylan gave me the pendant I chained it back again so now not only will it remind me of my mom but Waylan too.

Karina won't be leaving the mafia, not like she has a choice but she will only be gone for a few months to reconnect with her family.

Alexi and Michail, they might adopt a child having a little Alexi running around won't be easy. Lev has been thinking about moving into a house not too far away with his new girlfriend.

Nikolai is still single and said he's focusing on himself. Luka and I are getting married next year. My father has been pressuring us to have a child, the mafia needs an heir but was just not ready to give up the little freedom we have.

Having a child would be dangerous but we will do everything in our power to protect them. Ryan and Karina have been talking quite a lot lately. He has been there for her mentally. I'm secretly shipping but Karina says that she is not ready for another relationship.

Anatasia had twin boys but she still hasn't found out who the father is. She has at least eleven men who had sex with her countless time offering to help raise the baby with her.
I was on the balcony of our room feeling the cool autumn breeze. I felt arms wrap around me.

“Hey.” I looked up at Luka.

“What are you doing?" He pulled a chair beside me and sat down.

“Just staring at the sky wondering if they're looking down at us."

“They are probably saying that they're proud of you. You have come a long way." I smiled at him.

“ANNIKA." The door swung open.

“You killed her.” He shouted at me.

“Oh, man busted." Luka got up and made his way to the other side of the balcony. Pussy.

“Killed who? I asked innocently.

“Your bitch of a stepmom. Mrs. Belov." He looked at me with pure anger surging through his eyes.

“Well, technically I didn't kill her the fire did," I said. Luka gave me a questioning look. Sighing, I placed my cup down.

“I chopped her,” I said calmly.

“What?” He asked me.

“I chopped her. With an ax. Then I poured gasoline on her and burned her. She wasn't dead when I was finished using the ax. I wanted her to suffer. Next will the bitch of a step-sister but she's currently running from me. I actually like it when they run the chase. It is very exciting. My adrenaline just kicks in. She's currently running to America. Then there's my bitch of a stepfather. He is actually locking himself in jail. He confessed to killing his wife so he would get locked up and be away from me but I don't think he understands that I'm the Mafia leader of the biggest and ruthless mafia. SO I know people in jail but I will leave him for a few months to make him think he actually did something, that he got away from me when he didn't." When I was finished they both stared at me.

“You are so" Luka started to say.

"Deranged " Matey finished his sentence.

“And it's the exact same reason why I'm a Mafia Queen, you should probably take notes.”


WERE DONE. WE ARE AT THE END OF THE MAFIA QUEEN. I'm so happy. But this now means I'm going to have to go do some major editing. This book has been frustrating, lots of happiness, cringe, disgust, and sometimes I gave up. But I'm happy that it is finally over. I'm thinking of making a book two with Luka's and Annika's future son. I don't know let me know what you think. Thank you soo much for everything. I love you all.

Thank you,

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