Chapter 24

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I couldn't sleep after we got to the house. I decided to sleep there not wanting to spend another minute in that dreadful car with him. I have just been staring at the ceiling ever since. I got up and walked towards Alexi's room knocking. I waited until it opened. All the rooms were soundproofed so we couldn't hear anything. The door opened and a half-naked Alexi was standing there.

"Baby doll what's wrong." He looked tired and squinted his eyes trying to block the hallway light from his eyes.

"I was wondering if I could sleep with you tonight." He sighed, rubbing his eyes and closing the door behind him.

"I umm can't tonight" I looked at him then back at the door.

"You slept with him didn't you?" I asked with a smirk. He let out a low chuckle.

"I went for it and I got him in bed. He is fucking amazing went on for six rounds but who's counting." He shrugged.

"It's okay you get back in there." I said to him.

"You sure." 

"Yeah, it's fine."

"Okay good night baby doll." He opened the door and walked in.

I sighed and walked down the hall stopping at a door. I wanted to let off some steam but not alone.

I knocked and waited for a while. The door opened and Waylan walked out.

"Annika, what's wrong." He had shock written on his face.

"I want to get some fresh air but not alone," I said slowly.

"Oh yeah sure let me get dressed I will meet you outside." I nodded and turned to head back to my room. 

I grabbed on black jeans with a black top and a leather jacket. I pulled on my boots and went outside. I went into the garage and grabbed petunia.

"Where are you going with a gasoline can?" He was waiting by his car with his hands in his pockets

"It's not a gasoline can, her name is petunia." I placed her in the car and got in.

We drove for a while until we were at an empty gas station. I got out leaving Waylan in the car.

"When you said you were gonna let out some steam I didn't think we were doing this." We walked around the gas station. I poured petunia around it and walked back to Waylan.

"I went out on a date today, it went pretty crappy and I think I have feelings for him." He looked at me waiting for me to say who after not saying anything else he turned back around.

"You're blowing off steam." He said looking back at the gas station.

I pulled out my lighter and threw it.

"We should probably step back a bit." I walked over to the car that's on the other side of the road. The gas station exploded.

"It's beautiful isn't it" I admired the shades of red and orange blaze up into the sky. I saw him look at me from the corner of my eyes. After two minutes of silence, the fire was still blazing.

"What was she like? Our mom." He kept his eyes on the fire.

“She was very cheerful, vibrant, and strong. She didn't let anyone push her around. The mothers at school were scared of her." I laughed remembering the memories.

"I'm sorry for being a total bitch the other day," I said to him.

"No, I should be saying sorry over and over again." 

"No, you dont. You spoke your mind. If I was in your position I would have done the same." I crossed my arms leaning on the car. He came over to me wrapped his arms around my neck, I allowed him to wrap my arms around his waist leaning my head on his chest. 

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