Chapter 38

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It was night time and we were getting ready for a mission to take Kirill down. Niki is taking care of the cameras, any security on the streets and at Kirill's house. Luka and Waylan offered to kidnap Kirill, they will bring him to the abandoned building that Karina and I are already at.

We were in an old office. I was sitting on the desk Karina was sitting on the old chair. Taking my phone out I dialed Luka's number.

"Hey, beautiful," He answered on the first ring. Ever since the break-in he always had his phone on him and always answered it.

"Hey, just calling to ask if you got Kirill." I put the phone on speaker.

"Aww man, we were having fun." I heard Waylan groan in the background.

"Luka, what fun are you doing," Karina spoke up.

"FUCK NO, not that fun. You both are sickening. We will drop him off now. We also kinda caught him on fire-" Luka slowly said.

"WHAT." Karina and I shouted

"Don't worry he's fine. Sadly" Waylan spoke into the phone.

"We just wanted more effect, I mean who dies in a fire without at least smelling like smoke," Luka said. There so stupid. We decided that if we were to kill Kirill he would die in a fire or that's what the police would think.

"We were going to burn his body." Karina shook her head in annoyance.

"Where's the fun in that?" Luka and Waylan both said at the same time.

"Just get him here," I said.

"We just reached." 

"What should I do with him he's still unconscious and he's fucking heavy," Waylan asked Luka in a whisper. I looked at Karina who looked back at me.

"Throw him out the window I don't fucking care. The girls would sort it out." Luka whispered back.

"But what if..he know."

"What?" Luka asked. I heard clapping noises, my eyes widened and Karina was trying not to laugh.

"Fucked?" Luka blurted out.

"Yes, but in know."

"That's possible? How does that work." I smiled at how innocent Luka was.

"How can you look like that and be a man whore but so innocent.” I heard a thud.

"Should we like drench him in alcohol he could be drunk and committed suicide?" Waylan asked.

"That's a good idea, there's a bottle of alcohol in the back. Put some on his tongue for more effect." Rolling my eyes.

"Could you guys just hurry up?" There was silence at the other end.

"I thought you hung up." Luka asked Waylan.

"ME, the phone is in your damn hand," Waylan shouted at him.

"We're still on the phone." Karina sighed in frustration.

"We dealt with it already." We heard them say.

"What did you do?" I asked, there was silence.

"We threw it through the window."

"Dumped some alcohol on it."

"It's still unconscious."

"But it will be fine. We're hanging up now." Before we got to say anything else the call ended. After a few minutes Luka came through the door Waylan was behind him empty-handed.

"Where is Kirill?" They pointed behind them. I saw Kirill wrapped in chains. I gave Waylan a look.

"What did you think we were going to carry the fucker."

"Why would we carry another man in our arms when we could drag it?" He gave me duh expression.

"In chains?" I asked.

"More effect." Waylan and Luka said. Karina and I looked at each other confused.


Loading up my gun I turned to look at the blindfolded Kirill in the chair. He woke up thirty minutes ago wouldn't stop talking about how his dad would give us money. We haven't said a word to him yet so he doesn't know who we are. The chains were still on him so we chained him to the chair.

Taking off the bag over his head, I smiled at him.

"YOU. Is this some sort of plan? If so I would have you arrested for this." He shouted in my face. I looked at him unfazed. Grabbing a chair I sat in front of him. Luka walked into the room placing his phone on the table. Digging my hands into Kirill's pockets I took out his phone. Waylan wrapped his mouth with a cloth so he wouldn't be able to say anything

“What are you doing?"He managed to say, ignoring him, I connected the laptop we carried to the phone. Niki told us that we will be able to unlock the phone like that. 

Once the phone was open I pressed his father's name and it rang.

"Kirill, where are you? It's late." I heard a voice through the phone. I placed the phone next to Luka's.

"Hello, Mr.Lebedev. I have some of my people holding your son hostage. I want something from you, if you don't give me I will have them kill him." Matvey said through the phone. After some silence, I took out my gun and shot him in the leg. He screamed out.

“Okay, w-what do you want?"

“I want the plans."

The plans?

"You know exactly what I'm talking about and stop trying to contact people, it's not going to work. Now, these plans are very crucial. There is a laptop on your front porch, take it, upload the files then put it back out." I heard a door open. Looking at Kirill he was a crying mess, it made me smile. After some more minutes, we heard the sound of a door open again.

“There it's done."

"Do you think I'm stupid?"


“Do you think Im fucking stupid? I have men outside your house, watching you and they saw when you switched computers which means. The one outside has nothing on it. But while you were outside I had someone take your computer. I could have done this myself but you have really high security. Your laptop is also always stored in a very high-tech safe. For your dishonesty, I will not let you have your son." I heard a sob through the phone.

“My daughter Avery will take care of everything.” 


Goodbye Mr.Lebedev." He hung up the phone. I took off the material around his mouth. I went up to him.

"I have always hated you," I said in his ear. I shot him in the head.

"NO." He broke down over the phone. Luka hung it up.

“Anyone up for some ice cream?” I asked.

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