Chapter 21

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I was going from hallway to hallway looking for Luka. I decided to go up to the roof. I've never been there but I heard it was a beautiful view. Walking out of the elevator I saw Luka on the couch smoking.

"I didn't know you smoke," I said. I went to sit beside him.

He blew out a puff of air and looked at me.

"I didn't know you were a Volkov. I guess we both know nothing about each other." He dropped his head back and took another puff.

Sighing, I grabbed the cigarette from his hands and took a puff.

"Your father is going to kill me if he finds out about this." 

"Well, he doesn't have to know." I blew out another puff of smoke.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He sat up and looked at me.

"Why are you scared that I'm a Volkov?" 

"I mean we're best friends, the dude practically kills for fun even though I know where to cross the line." I wanted to know the mystery past they both have together but didn't push it.

"I don't know why I didn't tell you." He sighed and leaned his head back. He outed the cigarette and turned to look at me.

"I haven't fucked someone in three days." I gave him a questioning look

"Who" I felt like one of those girls who just heard that someone slept with a teacher.

"Anesthesia, you know what the girl looks like barbie. I mean she could go for Barbie but I do think Barbie's boobs were way better." He said to me. What is everybody with this barbie?

"Oh, honey you didn't catch anything did you?" I asked, he laughed at me. 

"I didn't I checked but she was horrible like really bad I wasn't turned on, she went on top her boobs were flying everywhere I went on top she started screaming I thought I hurt her so I stopped she started screaming even louder than I realized she was moaning I couldn't take it anymore so...I faked it." He mumbled out the last part. I felt a pang of jealousy but quickly pushed it away.

"Am sorry did you just say you faked it." I started laughing.

"She was screaming in my ears the quicker it was over the faster she came out of my room and either way she was really bad."  I was laughing so hard I couldn't breathe.

He started laughing with me. "It's not funny."

"But you're laughing." I pointed out.

"Only because you're laughing" It took us a few minutes to calm ourselves down.

I turned around to him.

What?" I asked if he was staring and it was weird.

"Nothing. You are just absolutely beautiful." He brushed his fingers against my cheek.

"I know" I threw my hair behind my back. He slowly moved towards me, our lips were almost touching and I swear I forgot how to breathe but he got up and walked towards the elevator. Son of a bitch. 

"Bye nerd." He went into the elevator and smiled at me until it closed.


I was walking back from the training room, to the kitchen on the restricted floors. Walking in I saw Karina scrolling on her phone, she looked up.

"Oh hey, Annika." She smiled sweetly at me.

"Hi" I grabbed an apple and turned to walk back out.

"Wait, I don't think we introduced ourselves properly. Just so you know I am nothing like Anastasia, she's just the only girl I could talk to. I got up here because I'm with Waylan and Anatasia. She got up here because of her vagina. You're the only and the first girl to end up here naturally. I was wondering if you wanted to go shopping tomorrow, with Anatasia when she shops, she shops for the both of us and I don't like what she wears."

"Yah sure" I turned back around and walked through the door.

"Hey, baby doll, what you got there." He grabbed my apple and took a bite out of it. Great so fucking great.

"This tastes disgusting I'm saving you from food poisoning." he walked off still taking bites of MY damn apple. 

"How thoughtful," I said catching up to him.

"I think Michail likes me." 

"You think." I tried grabbing my apple but it was no use.

“Yup," He stopped.

"He fucking winked at me. You can't tell me that it doesn't mean he likes me, he so wants to fuck me. Just the thought of his dick deep inside me." He groaned and kept on walking. Lovely.

"We haven't talked yet nor have we even introduced ourselves. Fuck we haven't even said a word to each other." I opened my mouth to say something but he beat me to it.

"I'm going to shoot my shot today, I mean the best introduction to anyone is to just get right into it, you know what I mean, to think about it I have never even heard him say a word since he came." Thinking about it he had a point. I have never heard Michail say a word since his arrival.

He stopped once again and turned towards me.

"Do you think he's mute, I mean if he is I wouldn't have a problem. Do you think he's top or bottom because I'm more of a top guy? I don't do bottom but I would try sometime?" I sighed not knowing when he was gonna shut up. I stopped listening.

I never realized how beautiful the hallways are. There were different paintings hanging on the wall. After what felt like an hour, fifteen minutes passed and he was still talking. Waylan came around the corner and I turned around to walk away.

"ANNIKA WAIT" He ran towards me, I stopped and turned back towards him. Alexi stopped talking and was now staring at both of us.

"Alexi, can I speak with her please" He stuffed his hands in his pockets.

"I don't think you realize but I was speaking with her first." He crossed his arms and looked at Waylan. 

"Alexi I don't think you realized that Annika wasn't listening to a word you were saying I'm sure I can ask her how many crystals are on the chandelier over there and she would tell me in a heartbeat." They both looked at me.

Am feeling very pressured now. I don't like feeling pressured, but he was right there were two thousand nine hundred crystals to be precise. 

I cleared my throat and looked the other way avoiding all eye contact.

"I have some paper to sign anyway. Don't do anything stupid Way, you know if you do dad will be very angry. I will see you later, baby doll." He blew a kiss to me and I pretended to catch it. 

"Baby doll?" Waylan looked at me after Alexi was around the corner.

"What do you want?" I started walking away from him.

"I wanted to apologize for earlier." I kept walking.

"Look, I am sorry I was the youngest, the one that got all the attention, the spotlight. Dad and I every morning we would go and train together now, he doesn't even look my way anymore. The only time he would talk to me was either to tell me to get along with you or to go and apologize. I'm like that older brother who gets angry and jealous that his parents are having a baby, he won't get the attention again. I'm happy your my sister, it's just you had mom your whole life she left me at two. I have no memories of her. I'm sorry and I hope you can forgive me." I stopped walking. I understand where he's coming from.

"I forgive you." I walked away again.

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