Chapter 31

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Weeks had passed by, Luka and I were either making out or having a staredown. Karina had filled me in on the meeting the other day. 

I was outside with my bow and arrow aiming for my targets, the air was chilly but it felt nice. Walking up to my target I pulled out the arrows and walked back.

Placing the arrow on the bow I relaxed my body and made eye contact with the red mark on the board letting my arrow go. Smiling to myself I walked to take the arrow out. I heard footsteps approaching behind me.

"Are you stalking me?" Not daring to turn around I waited for an answer. He came into my view.

"I wasn't stalking, I was looking for you, completely different meanings." He smirked

"Whatever you say" We stared at each other for what felt like hours. I grabbed my arrow and walked back.

"So, I want to take you out today. Our last date was memorable because it was probably the worst date but I want to make it up to you." He stuffed his hands in his pockets.

"Okay." I smiled at him. 

"Good, tonight at eight." He flashed me his pearly teeth walking away.

Sighing I went on a search for Alexi or Karina. Turning around the corner I bumped into a damn brick, I never missed that.

"Shit. Annika, you okay?" I looked up at Matvey.

"I'm fine" I gave him a reassuring smile.

"I was actually looking for you."

"You were? What for?"

"Follow me." Walking behind him he directed me to the car garage, stopping, he turned to look at me. Raising an eyebrow at him, he pointed to the car in front of us.

"Is that a 2019 Chevrolet Corvette ZR1 Coupe?" He looked at me impressed that I knew what type of car it was.

"It sure is and it’s all yours." He stuck his hand out to me with the keys dangling from his finger, I grabbed it.

"If it even gets a scratch on it I will decapitate your head."

"Let's not forget that I violently killed innocent people just for the adrenaline and drugs father." He looked at me as if trying to think of a comeback but came up empty. He walked away with an annoyed face. Jumping into the car I spent probably hours just sitting there and smelling it. Having had enough I forced myself out of the car.


Walking up to my room I saw Lev at my door. Turning to look at me he looked somewhat relieved.

"I need your help." 

"What's wrong?" I had worry written all over my face.

"I have a date, I've never been on a date before." A wide grin appeared on my face.

"REALLY" I squealed, grabbing him and I ran into my room. Going into my closet I grabbed a tuxedo and threw it at him.

"Why do you have a tuxedo in your closet?" He raised his eyebrow.

"Because why not." I shrugged and shoved him into the shower.

After a few minutes, he came out.

“If I wasn't your sister I would have probably jumped you." I made a disgusted face at the thought.

“Ew." He scrunched up his nose.

"I know, go change," I told him, turning around and waiting for him to change. After a while, he came in front of me.

"You look handsome" Pulling him over to my vanity I gelled his hair back using a comb to comb through it.

"You look amazing. Now when you see her you're going to compliment her, don't ever say that she is hot, say she is beautiful, gorgeous, or stunning. You open and close the door for her when you reach for dinner, talk about her and if she asks about you then talk about you but not too much." Patting his shoulders I walked over to my door and pushed him out.

"Bye enjoy" Closing the door I jumped on my bed sighing. Getting up I went to have a shower. 


Looking in the mirror. What if I went blonde? Shaking my head I walked out and grabbed on a white long sleeve flowy dress. It stopped below my knee, I hope my feet don't freeze off. Putting some heels on I looked back in the mirror feeling pleased I walked out of my room.

"You're early" I turned around to see Luka in a white dress shirt and some white jeans.

"Aren't I always, I see we're both going for the white today." He started laughing, I liked his laugh. 


Driving I felt his hand on my legs, ignoring it I looked out the window. We drove further and further until I could see beaches. Wondering where we were going I decided to wait. Pulling up to a beach house he got out and opened the door for me. 

Sat down staring at him. 

“You're nice today." I got out, holding my hand. We went onto the beach.

"I just feel different today, so I'm being nice." Shrugging it off I wondered why we were on the beach.

"Why are we at the beach, I mean it's cold." He gave me a look.

"You're wearing a dress, are you sure you're not cold."

"I'm fine"

"I wanted a beach date but I couldn't wait until the place was cooler." We were on a stone pathway. I looked up and saw a table with two chairs.

"It's a private beach so no one will bother us and I have some of my men here just in case." I kissed him on the lips and walked up to the table. He pulled the chair out and went to sit down. A man in a suit came and gave us food.

"I'm impressed" We started eating.

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