Chapter 40

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Walking out of the office Karina, Matvey, and I stood by the doorway. The school was long over, I was tired because of all the talking. 

"Were you with Luka last night because you know they're gonna question him and if he wasn't there were screwed," Matvey whispered to me

"I was with him all night, stop worrying." He turned around but turned back around with his eyebrow raised.

"Why were you with him last night?" I tried to think of something but only one thing came to mind.

"I wanted to burn more buildings but he stopped me and stayed with me so I won't do it again." Nodding slowly the door opened and Mr.Lebedev came out very angry. He looked at us but kept on walking. Matvey turned to us.

“I need to have another chit-chat with him. I have some of my men here go somewhere to celebrate and....please don't burn anything down to the ground." He said with a stern look.

"I'm not making any promises but okay." I went into Karina's car and we drove out of the school.

"Am hungry are you hungry?" She asked.

"There's a cafe down the street." 

"I'll call the boys, update them." I stared out the window as the houses and shops passed by.

"Pathetic bitches." I turned to look at her with a raised eyebrow.

"They're coming down here."


"They're all together, apparently they were in a crossfire. They want to come because they want us to be safe."

"Pathetic bitches." We drove in front of the cafe.

"I haven't been here in weeks. I will be back. I'm going across the street." I told her.

"Okay, I'll get us a seat." Nodding, I got out of the car and walked up to the gun range across the street.

Walking in I went downstairs.

"Hi, can I help you?" A girl came up to me.

“No, I'm looking for Ryan." She pointed to the other side of the room. I saw a shirtless man in the middle of the fighting. Thanking the girl I walked over to them. Ryan was thrown on the ground. Looking down at him I crossed my arms.

“I thought I taught you better than that." He opened his eyes.

“Annika." He pushed himself up. 

"What the fuck happened to you, we heard you were kidnapped I was worried sick." He wrapped me in a hug but I pushed him off.

"You're sweaty" He chuckled and went to get a towel.

“You look great, it's nice to see you so fresh, no bruises or anything" He looked me up and down.

“Yeah." I said unsure if it was a compliment or he was just happy I'm not getting hurt.

“So what happened?"

"I uh ran away. Like you always wanted. I'm just in town for a few days. I was at the cafe when I thought I should stop by."

"Well, you should have done that the first time I know that I said you should leave but to not say bye to your best friend." I laughed at him holding his hand over his chest.

"I'm sorry, well I'm just here so say bye." He dropped his towel in the hamper and looked at me.

"You're leaving again."

"Why wouldn't I." I smiled at him.

"Annika, you could always stay with me in my house, I mean it's huge.I'm the only person living in it."

"No, I like it where I am." He sat on the ground leaning against the wall. I went to sit beside him.

“I'm... happy for you I guess."

“I will visit every chance I get, I'm not staying far, I'm just very busy. It takes four hours to get to and from home when I'm here." I rested my head against him and he moved closer wrapping his arms around me. He kissed my head and rested his chin on it.

"You seem tired, did you get any sleep last night?"

"No, I was up until morning."

“What were you doing that made you stay up so long?"

"Nothing fun" I started to fall asleep.

"ANNIKA" I jumped up. Looking at the entrance I saw a very angry Luka marching up to us but his eyes were glued onto Ryan. I got up and went in front of Luka, I pressed my hand on his chest. He looked down at me then at Ryan, then back at me again.

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