Chapter 35

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Karina and I were in her car on our way to the school. She wanted to make a scene so she decided to drive her black Lamborghini. Karina was wearing a brown knitted sweater with a grey skater skirt and some grey knee-high boot heels.

I was wearing a black dress, a black leather jacket and because Karina wanted to go play matching I was forced to wear knee fucking high black boot heels. We drove into the parking lot into free space.

There were some students outside chatting but, I guess the car caught their attention. Breathing in, I tried to calm myself.

"Hey, you will be fine. I will be by your side every day. Let's just get this over with and forget about this place. You are not the Annika they once knew you are Annika fucking Volkov."

"Im Annika fucking Volkov." I yelled proudly.

"Yes, you are" We grabbed our bags and exited the car. Karina looped her arm with mine giving me a reassuring look before walking into the school. There were stares and whispering as we walked to the office. 

"We would like to speak with Mr.Popov, please." We asked the assistant sitting at the front desk.

"Do you have an appointment?" She gave me a dirty look which confused me.

"No bu-" She cut Karina off.

"No appointment, no talking. Goodbye." Karina turned around to look at me. I walked around the front desk and went to the door in the far back.

"Miss, you can not go there" Knocking I waited for a response. The lady ran up to me but the door opened showing Mr.Popov.

"I'm so sorry sir they just ran through." She said, Rolling my eyes I looked at Mr.Popov

"Mr.Popov this is Karina Moltovs and I'm Annika Volkov." His eyes widened at the mention of Volkov.

"Please come in." Smiling at the assistant we walked through the doors taking a seat.

"I'm so sorry for my Assistant Ms. Volkov. Here is your schedule. I personally wanted to give it to you so I would get a chance to say welcome and I hope you enjoy your learning here." He said, smiling sweetly at him I folded my hands and placed them on the desk.

"Mr.Popov this isn't my first time here. I've been here for a year now but you only now noticed me because of my last name. I hate this school and if there was to be any slip up I would make sure you lose my father as an investor for this school. Is that clear?" I said staring him in the eyes, I got up with Karina waiting for a response.

"I'm sorry. I asked a question. Is.that.clear?" I leaned down so we were at eye level.

"Y-yes ms." Pushing myself from the table I looped my hand back with Karina's and walked out. "That was hot. You're going to be a great leader."

"Yeah" My voice was laced with uncertainty. 


Lunch had come. Karina and I skipped our morning class spending it outside. I was eating an apple and Karina was snacking on some sweets.

"What if we cut his dick off?" My head snapped to her. I thought about it. 

"That's actually a good idea." I hopped off the table grabbing her hand and we walked to the cafeteria. Stopping at the entrance, the room fell silent. I scanned the room for Kirill.

"Over there guy with the short fade haircut." I pointed at the middle table.

"Oh ew." I laughed at her expression, we walked over to his table Karina went to the other side facing Kirill I sat beside him. I turned to look at him with the fakest smile I can plaster on.

"Hi, Kirill." He turned towards me with a piece of bread that fell from his mouth, he quickly chewed, clearing his throat.

"Uhh hi"

"Oh shit hi Annika" Fedor peeked around Kirill. Ignoring him I kept staring at Kirill.

"You look different." Kirill said to me

Different has in hotter right?" Karina asked.

"Y-yeah you look amazing." I looked at Karina then back at him. I placed my hand on his chest trailing it up to his neck. I grabbed the chain around his neck wrapping it around my hand bringing him closer to me.

"I'm not going to sit around and let you flirt with me. You treated me like shit and now you're switching up because I'm not pale or look busted up. You will pay for what you put me through, you and your little bitch." Letting go of his chain I realized that everyone was watching.

"So the rumors were true your back." Karina looked behind me. I got up and turned around facing her once again. 

"Trying to make a move on my boyfriend again." She looked at me, I started laughing.

"Every time you say that I just have to laugh. It just makes me so happy that you believe that I'm always trying to get with him. It makes me happy actually, happy that you think I'm capable of stealing him from you, and trust me if I wanted to I would have years ago but quite frankly he's not worth my time." Karina walked up beside me. 

"Our energy and he seems to be into clowns. You're a perfect match." She said with a smirk. We walked away leaving her in shock.

"We should hurry this up, we only have a few days. Your dad just texted me we have until Friday to get the information or else we're screwed." Karina walked in front of me.

"But today is Tuesday." I stared into the distance thinking.

"We can't do this alone. We're going to need the boys." Karina took her phone out and started texting.

"In the meantime, do you have a spray can?" She gave me a questioning look.

"I have some in my car."

"Why do you have spray cans in your car?" She looked down.

“Well, I thought Waylan was cheating on me one time so I was going to spray paint the girl. I thought he was cheating on family member's gravestones. I was going to write slut but Waylan found me and explained everything." She said, still looking down. I stared at her wide-eyed.

"And they say I'm deranged." I started walking away.

"No, it's different. I was going to spray paint a gravestone. You massacred over a thousand people." She whispered out the last part while trying to catch up with me.

"You guys keep saying it like it's a bad thing." Her mouth drops open.

"BECAUSE IT IS." She looked around for anyone who was listening. Scoffing, I walked out of the school going to her car. We grabbed the spray cans and looked for his car.

"I cant." I turned around not wanting to look at the car.

"But we have to. Come on Annika, think of all the shitty things he did to you." We were standing in front of Kirill's black Porsche. I turned back around.

"You're right. Let's do this." Shaking the spray, I started spraying the car.

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