Chapter 22

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It was the next day, I was going to the kitchen to meet up with Karina so we can go shopping.

"I FUCKING TOLD YOU TO FIX IT, IF YOU CAN'T DO THIS ONE FUCKING THING YOUR JUST A FUCKING WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT. WELL, DON'T STAND THERE GO FUCKING FIX IT." Around the corner were a shirtless sweaty Luka and one of his men standing in front of him.

"O-okay s-sir." He looked at me and fixed his posture. Luka followed his gaze, he turned back at the man to find him still staring. I had on black jeans and some boots with a long sleeve top that didn't show much of my cleavage but I guess if you stare long enough you can.

"Keep staring and you will have a fucking bullet through your eyes one from me and one from Matvey. WELL GO ON" He quickly took his eyes off me and walked away. 

Luka sighed, rubbing his eyes. I laughed and walked closer towards him.

"What was that about?" I crossed my hands over my chest. 

"Nothing for you to worry just my men being fucking idiots. I was thinking if you would like to have dinner with me tonight." My face lit up.

"Are you asking me out on a date?"

"I was told I should commit and not sleep around and since you don't want to get in bed with me. It wouldn't hurt to try." He showed off his pearly whites at me.

"Let me guess my father told you that," I asked.

"Yes, apparently it looks bad on the mafia to be sleeping around." 

"Well, I'm pretty sure when my father told you that you should try committing he didn't expect his daughter to be the first person you asked."  

"Who said you were the first person?" When he said that my smile fell but I quickly hid it.

"Look, I don't commit, I'm not the boyfriend type. I like to sleep and forget. I'm doing this for the mafia and if I'm correct you're going to be working alongside me as a leader. It would be best if we were together even if it's fake. So about that date." I looked at him unsure of what to say. I opened my mouth to say something but closed it back. 

“Take your time I have all day." He said sarcastically.

“Yeah. A date will be nice." I diverted my eyes down the hallway not wanting to look at him.

“Good. I will pick you up at seven and wear something nice." He eyed the clothes that I was wearing.

"Less sluttly." He flashed me a smirk. I didn't have a chance to say anything as he walked away.

“Slutty?” I looked down at my clothes. 


Karina was walking around the store picking out clothes it's been six hours my feet are killing me. Matvey gave me his card told me to spend as much as possible I wasn't giving this much advantage so of course, I took him by his words. Most of the clothes in my closet were bought by some maids who didn't have many styles. I was a sucker for red and black ever since I was young. Most of my clothes were either red or black I wasn't much of a fashion nerd so Karina did most of the picking.  

"What do you think about this" She held up black lingerie with no fucking lace, no material. Just some straps.

"Oh yeah that's very cute," I said, not sure what to say about straps has lingerie. 

"Do you think Waylan will like it? It's almost our third anniversary." She said with a grin. I shrugged, trying my best to hide my disgusted look.

"How about this for you obviously" She held up a bra where the cups were covered and the rest of the bra had a lace with a zip in the middle. The underwear had lace only on the front middle and a lace robe.

"Why the fuck would I need a lingerie." She dropped her hands at her sides dramatically looking at me dumbfoundedly.

"I'm not fucking dumb Annika, I see the way you both look at each other. You and Luka have that lust in your eyes once one of you walks into the room. You look like you want to jump him and he looks like he wants to fuck you until you're in a fucking wheelchair. I'm very observative which is why I have lasted this long, you know." She made hand gestures with the last words.

"I don't like him and he doesn't like me. We haven't known each other for that long, either way, it's only been a week." I looked down at my fingers.

"You soo have a fucking thing with him. Waylan and I started planning our wedding the second day we met, we had our first kiss and had sex the third day if I am correct I became his girlfriend the fifth day we met, and look where we are now. Memories. I'm not good at giving advice but I think you should just go for it see how it ends out if anything you guys might get married and be the badass married couple." I laughed at her cheerfulness.

"He asked me on a date tonight." I blurted out. She looked at me as if I had three heads.

"AND WHEN WERE YOU GONNA TELL ME. What were you going to wear." Shit, I didn't think of that.

"Don't know I never thought about it." She narrowed her eyes.

"This is your first date isn't it." She looked me up and down.

"Okay, I think this whole observant thing is getting out of hand." I pointed my finger at her.

"Well, we need to get you a dress."

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