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☕Chapter 12☕

"Yeah, maybe I rushed you a little bit. You'll use this for a few weeks and I'll take them away every once in a while to see if you made progress."
"Alright. Not like I have a choice, now do I?"
"No. You have to do as I say until you get better."
Sonia sighed as she dropped her shoulders, as if she wasn't at her lowest already. Crutches? That seems like a lot of work but if it means that she'll walk again, she's down for it.
"Do whatever you want."
Sun shook his head as he stared at her with dismay.
"What?" She raised a brow at him. He's a weird guy, that's for sure.
He grabbed her shoulders and raised them up, lifting her chin while forching her to brace herself properly on the chair. "Bad posture."

The hospital delivered the crutches right to her doorstep and she sat and waited while he set it up. He braced them against the wall and leaned toward her.
"Put your arms around my neck."
"Wha-" She chuckled awkwardly before doing as he says.
"Now, hold on tight."
"Mhm" She nodded as she tightened her grip around him. She inhaled deeply and she closed her eyes, as thoight was was taking a great leap of faith. He smelled so good that every breath gets a better smell from the last.

Slowly, he straightened himself up and helped Sonia get off of the chair carefully, his hand on the small of her back as he did so. He reached for the crutches and placed them at both sides of her while he placed her arms on the crutch pad and she wrapped her fingers around the hand grip.
"Steady." He said in a calm voice as he placed distance between himself and her.

"How does it feel?"

"Unstable. I could fall any minute now.."

"Well you're standing like a flamingo so.." He made her shoulders relax on the crutch pad.

"Push the crutches forward and then pull yourself after. Now give it a try."


"Remember," He interrupted her thoughts, "Eyes on me. Always."

She nodded as she took in a deep breath. She lifted the crutches and placed it before her, then mustered the strength to pull herself forward to the crutches.

"Good job, Sonia. Now come to me." Sun said, gesturing his hands toward him.

The left side of her body hurts a bit each time she tried, because it was the side that took the hit during the accident. Regardless of that, she kept pushing herself, working her way to him.

Sun reached for her hand when she was close enough and took the crutches from her possession. She leaned her head on his shoulder, feeling a sense of accomplishment.
"I'm so proud of you." He said in a soft voice as he rubbed her back consolingly.

Sonia never thought that she would find so much comfort in the arms of a complete stranger.

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