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☕Chapter 8☕
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  The day of Sonia's Discharge is nearing closer, but she refuses to leave until she is a divorced woman.
She found a divorce lawyer, who said as a stay-at-home wife for five years, she deserved one of his six houses, a car and $500k in her account for her to take care of herself.

Sonia had doubts that she'd recieve all of that, but she got it all. Thanks to the lawyer, of course.
Since Sonia has no relatives, (No relatives nearby, at least) Ezra stayed with her in the house to help her get about.

"You like the new house?" Ezra asked upon entering Sonia's room with two cups of coffee.
"It doesn't really matter at the end of the day." She took the coffee from Ezra and took a few sips, sighing as the warm liquid run through her body and relaxing her muscles a bit.

The house given to Sonia was a modern, two storey five bedroom house with an outdoor pool and garage. She also was given a black BMW. She didn't want the house but the lawyer said it should be compensation for what she went through.

"Listen Sonia," Ezra turned the wheelchair so Sonia could look at her. "It's gonna be okay. You're a free woman, just nine to ten months of therapy and during that time you can get yourself together. When it's all over, you'll start writing on a new page in your life."

"And where should I start when I'm done? I could have saved tons of my own money if I didn't listen to him. I would have been in good shape if I left him sooner but no, I just had to fall for his lies and tricks every time."
"You have a house, a car and half a mil in the bank. Once you're good on your feet again you could get back to work, you know Mrs. Noble and her husband would always take you in." Ezra replied.

"..But just imagine if we had kids? What would have happened to them, huh?" Sonia completely let what Ezra just said fly over her head.
"But you don't. And honestly he would get them since he is in better shape and has a job." Ezra explained, "Sonia, you need to stop over thinking things, it's not good on your mental or physical health. Do that for me, please?"
"Alright.. I'll try."


    Sonia lay on her bed in the middle of the night, scrolling through her social media and deleting all her photos with Amari and changing her relationship status to single.

All the pictures

All the vacations

All the stories

All for what?

Five years of nothing.

Oh and don't even talk about that wedding dress🙄.

It was quite expensive so she'll sell it instead of burning it, as much as she wanted to.

   A lot of things were running through her mind; she wanted to drink, she wanted to smoke– even though she never did it before.
And it hurt even more realising what Ezra said was true.

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