{6}Just A Dream

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☕Chapter 6☕
Just A Dream

   Sonia's eyes flung open as she gasped for air. She sat up on the hospital bed after a while of struggle.

I thought it was all a dream, but it wasn't.

The nurse came in, "Mrs. Anwar, you're awake."
"Water, please." She asked.
"Sure." She paper cup with water from the dispenser in the far corner of the room.
"Thank you." She croaked as she accepted the cup and downed it all in one gulp.

"Wait, they have dispensers in a patient's room?" Sonia hasn't made many trips to the hospital. The last time she remembered visiting was in her preteens when her cycle changed from twenty-eight to thirty days and she got scared.
"Well, um.. This is a Private Hospital so.." She shrugged.

"As you know may know, Mrs. Anwar–"
"Sonia is fine. Thank you."
"Sorry. Sonia, as you may know, you were hit by a truck."
"You passed out for two and a half weeks but in terms of injuries, you hit your left temple but not hard enough to cause a fracture, your right cheekbone had a small fracture and your left leg is currently broken."

"Not broken-broken but dislocated at the knee.That's not all–"
"What's next? A broken shin and ankle??"
"Yes. In your left leg along with a few broken toes."
"Oh lord.." Sonia fell back on the bed, the muscles in her thighs and calves were tense even when she lay.

"I know it's a lot to take in Sonia, but the truck was going over sixty miles per hour and such an impact from a ten ton truck could kill someone. It's almost a miracle you're alive Mrs– I mean– Sonia."
"Trust me nursey I'd rather be dead."

"Oh, don't say that Sonia. With Physical Therapy you could speed up your healing process."
"In how long?"
"In about nine to ten months.." The nurse braced herself for a good cussing, Sonia just lay there lifelessly.

"Grieving would make it take longer to heal, I personally would recommend to your husband some of the best Physical Therapists available."
"Hu- you know what? Nevermind."
"Your husband has visited this morning if you were wondering."
"No, no. Anything else, nurse?"

"The doctor will come and check you up shortly and you'll recieve a bath and food afterwards."
"Yes, thank you for putting up with me."
"Trust me, I've put up with worse."
Sonia chuckled.
"Anyways, please try not to grieve of your condition because the healing process will take longer." She said and left.


    She was checked up on and bathed as told by the nurse. The doctor said she has four weeks more in the hospital and when she's discharged she will be confined to a wheelchair.
Her cat nap was interrupted by the opening of the door. Seeing the broad shoulders and slicked hair under her damp eyelashes, she took the vase from the drawer beside her and threw it with all the strength she could muster.

"Jesus, Sonia–" He barely missed the vase as it hit the wall and broke, scattering shards, water and the already wilting flowers.
"Don't 'Sonia' me, you lying, cheating son of a bitch!" She grabbed any object within arm's reach and threw it his way, even the pillows.

"Sonia, listen to me–"
"Why? So you can justify as to why Sita's tongue was down your throat? Sorry, there's no justification for that." Sonia took a breath to calm herself. "I want a divorce, you are paying for my Physical Therapy and my Lawyer. Now get out before I call the nurse." She lay back on the bed as she covered her head with the sheets.

It is at times like these you wish life was a bad dream you could wake up from.


📌Author's Note📌

Hey guys! The flashback sequence has ended, now that you know what has led to her injury (and also to her divorce), we can move along with the storyline.

The asian boy will make an appearance by chapter 8 or 10.

Okay, now for some Mathematics:
Sonia was 25 when she first met Amari, they dated for three years and were married for five. 25+3+5=33 years old. Anwar is 36. Their age means a lot to the story.

See you in the next chap!


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