{5}Fed Up

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☕Chapter 5☕
Fed Up

   Sonia lay in bed in her silk kimono while Amari was in the shower. To her surprise, she heard his phone ringing on the nightstand. She looked at the bathroom door for a while and then decided to answer it.
Sita, the caller ID was named.
"Hey Amari." She heard a low, sexy voice on the other end.
"E- excuse me?"
The other end hung up the phone and as if on script, Amari entered the bedroom wrapped in a towel.

"Sita do be calling really late, though." Sonia commented.
"Yeah, probably a business call."
"Oh, a business call?"
"Yeah, a business call."
"So is it professional to make a 'business call' at 9:30 in the night and not even address you by your surname? Do you adress your clients like that, 'Sup Joe'?" She got up from the bed and hear what he had to say in his defense.

"Sita knows me personally, so she often calls me by my first name."
"Oh, okay." Sonia scoffed, "Cause when I answered the phone it sounded very much like a sex operater. Unprofessional and overly sexual to be a business call if you ask me."

"I never question who's calling your phone."
"Who's calling my phone? Honey you can check, cause my phone ain't locked. I have no male friends and if so, they wouldn't be calling me all hours in the goddamn night. I'm an only child, my dad's long dead, there's no other man in my life but YOU. Take a scroll through my call logs, all you'll see is my friend Ezra and my cousin Melania Saunders. So are you accusing me of cheating, Amari?"

"That never once came out of my mouth."
"It seems to me that's what you're thinking, since I'm home all the time. Look at this place, cameras every-frickin'-where. There are security guards at both the front and back gates of this property, so tell me how am I supposed to sneak a man in? Or am I sleeping with the security guard?"

"I never once accused you of cheating and I didn't either."
"That still doesn't explain why Sita is calling your phone at 9:30 in the night and speaking in such a sexual way, Amari! You know what?" She tied her robe and headed toward the door.
"Where do you think you're going?"
"To the guestroom, goodnight Amari. I hope you enjoy your late-night 'business call'."


"Sonia, I'm going to work. I'll see you tonight, okay?" He said on the other side of the door.
Sonia didn't answer, she just waited for the shadow under the door to move. Once it was gone, she really fell into thought. Maybe I was over exaggerating? Yeah, I really went overboard, didn't I?

Sonia then decided to cook him a little something and give him an apology also.
"So be it. I know this could work." She hoped as she made her way down to the kitchen.


  Amari sat in his office, coffee in hand, looking over a few files. He sighed, he has all this work to do and go home to a wife who's mad at him. Just his luck.
"Wife giving you trouble?" Sita walked in his office, approaching his table.
"Tell me about it." He ran a hand through his hair as he closed a file.

"It all comes with the colour of her skin Amari, you didn't figure that out yet?" She leaned her behind on the glass desk right where he sat.
"So you're generalizing all dark skinned women as troublesome? For God's sake, she's a wife. She'll act like that."
"She's not what you say she is."

"She isn't? So what is it that has you crawling back into my satin sheets? Huh Amari?" She leaned her chest on his back and ran her hands down his chest.
"Can't answer?" She turned his chair around so he could look her in the eyes. "That's what I thought." She planted her lips onto his.


    Sonia arrived at the building, she parked just outside of the entrance.
She met with the receptionist, "Hi, I'm Mrs. Anwar, I came to see my husband. I hope that's okay."
"Oh yes, it's completely fine." The receptionist smiled at her, "He's on the first floor, the last room on the left. His name is on the door."
"Thank you so much."
"No problem, Mrs. Anwar."

She got up to the top floor and walked down the halls, checking for the door that has his name. She finally found it. She stared at the door, debating whether to go in or not.
She sighed and finally gripped the knob and turned it slowly, and pushed it open with her jerk of her middle finger.

She wasn't prepared for the sight she was about to see.

Sita was sitting on the table, her shirt unbuttoned halfway while her pencil skirt was rolled up to her her hips. Big hickeys trail from her jawline to the valley of her chest and her legs wrapped tightly around her husband.
As soon as they saw her they stopped. Sita jumping off the table to button her shirt up and pull her skirt down.

Despite wanting to break down and cry, Sonia chuckled at the scene.
"Oh my, sorry for interrupting your business meeting. I was just dropping off lunch." She through the bag in his face.

"And you," She looked over to Sita who still couldn't fix herself properly, or maintain eye contact.

Be a good Assisstant and hold this ring for him." She tossed it at her and she barely managed to catch it.
"Anyway, I think I should be heading home now." She turned to head out the door. She could hear him screaming for her to wait.

Sonia stormed out of the lobby, shoving the glass door open and raced across the pavement to get to her car, she didn't even check if the road was clear. The only thing she wanted to check if clear was her closet. She's leaving.

The loud honking of a horn startled her, before she could look to see where it came from, everything turned completely white.
"Call her husband, Mr. Anwar! This is bad!" She heard a voice ever so distantly, her eyes felt heavy as they began to shut.

The secretary ran back into the lobby and called Amari's office, "Hello?"
He answered.
"This his urgent. Your wife has been hit by a truck right outside!"

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