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Chapter 2

  Amari and his partners came back almost every day. Then in about two weeks it was just Amari and Sonia was sent to serve them everytime. If she was absent he would ask for her. Her fellow coworkers were pressuring her to give him her number, or even start a conversation.

And that time he dropped something in her pocket, it was two hundred dollars! She didn't spend it, as a matter of fact, she is planning on giving it back to him. She doesn't need money from a man to know how interested he is– leave that for the prostitutes– or if it's a form of tip it's too much. A twenty was enough.

One night when Sonia was asked to stay overtime, she was wiping the tables and chairs when she heard the bell ring.
"Maybe you haven't read the sign, but we're closed–" She froze in that spot with the cloth in her hand.
"A moment of your time is all I'm asking for, Sonia." She looked up at the man who was obviously Amari with a 'Yo ass best be gone by the time I count to ten' look.

"I've taken you to my liking for the past few weeks, and I'd like to get to know you better. If that's okay with you, of course."
"Just say you want my number, damn." She rolled her eyes with a forced chuckle as she tore a paper from her notepad and wrote her number on it before giving it to him.
"Thank you."
"You're welcome, better not call or text me in the middle of the night–"
"And I'd like to give you a ride home, again, if you don't mind."
"Okay lover boy."

When Sonia was done closing up, he showed her to his car and sat her in the front seat. The ride was silent until Sonia decided to speak up,
"Why are you so interested in me? I'm an average girl living in an apartment the size of a bathroom stall and work a minimum wage job. Still find me interesting?"
He chuckled, showing his million-dollar whites. "It's just something in the politeness of your smile and the kindness in your voice that has me drawn to you."

"Well, I mean.. It's my job, like, I have to smile."
"Regardless. It seems geniune. Unlike the other girls that walk around with sour faces and pouty lips."
Sonia burst into laughter. "Oh goodness, you could have at least kept that part to yourself. You didn't think I would tell them?"
"Well, would you?"

The drive was cut short by her pointing out her apartment, he pulled up at the sidewalk.
"Thanks for the ride, Mr. Anwar."
"Just call me Amari. Anwar is too formal. I'll text you later, okay."
"Sure, Have a good night."
"Uh.." She heard him fumble for words and she turned back around to face him.
"Are you free Saturday night?"
"7:30 sharp. Later Amari." She trudged up the stairs and disappeared behind the door.

As soon as she got settled in, she rung up Ezra. "Ezra, girl, you won't believe what happened to me tonight."


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