Changing times, Breaking docs ~ PEI(m) x Rohde Island(f) ~ Fluff

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This one is also a bit older so sorry if it's also not that great. The next ones will be new.


I walked down the path by the beach, taking in the scenery. I stopped and looked out at an old dock. It was barely still standing. The sight of the dock brought so many happy memories back, but at the same time it made me sad. It made me sad to realize we're all growing up. We're not kids any more who can come down and play on the doc, trying to jump in and catch a fish. It was also sad to see the doc in that condition. It was like losing one of the few parts of my childhood I have left. I let out a sigh.
"PRINCY!" I heard someone yell from behind me. I turned to see Rhode Island running toward me. Her dark yellow hair flowing in the wind. She stopped in front of me and her hair returned to its place at her shoulders. She gave me a big hug.
"Hey Rhode, what's up?" I asked as I returned the hug.
"Not much." She said as she pulled back. "Did you hear about Maine and New Brunswick?!" She asked happily.
"Yeah I did, they got engaged." I said, giving her a smile. It was still crazy to me that so many of my siblings were now married. It feels like just yesterday we were huddling together watching the stars.
"So what are you doing out here?" She asked.
"Oh, I was just on a little walk." I told her.
"I see, so what made you stop here?" She asked.
"Well, you see that doc over there?" I asked her as I pointed out to the doc.
"Yeah, what about it?" She questioned.
"Well, when we were younger Nova would take us out to that doc to play. Ever since before we knew that we would be a part of Canada. Since Ireland and Scotland were staying here. After Nova finished her work for the day she would take us here and we would play here. Even after we became part of Canada she would take us here. As we got older though she had less and less time to take us here, and she had other things to do. So eventually we just stopped coming." I explained to her. "I just stopped because I realized how damaged it is. While we were coming here we would fix it up when needed. But since we haven't been here in ages it's kinda just fallen apart." I turned back to face her.
"Oh, I see..." She said as she looked at the doc she seemed to be lost in thought. "Who would come down here with you?" She asked, looking up at me.
"Oh that's easy, Nova, Newfi, Brunsy, and I would. Oh, and after France started taking care of us Quebec would also come down with us." I told her. She seemed to be taking mental notes. She looked back out at the doc, once again getting lost in thought.

Rhode Island's P.O.V
I have an idea. I have no clue how I'm going to pull it off, but I have to try.
"Whatcha thinking about?" Prince's voice pulled me back to reality.
"O-Oh, nothing." I smiled up at him. I felt my face get warmer. I heard my phone buzz. I looked down to see Cali had sent a message to the group chat I have with all of my siblings.
California: Ok, half of you aren't here.
Florida: Aren't where?
Alaska: We have a meeting today, dummy.
Florida: That was today?!
Montana: I can't believe you.
California: We can discuss forgetting things later. All of you better get down here ASAP!
Georgia: Where is this meeting?
California: Same place as always, idiot.
I had completely forgotten about the meeting.
"I'm really sorry but I have to get going." I told him. We said our goodbyes and bolted to a world transfer. World transfers are how we get from one 'level' to another. The meeting was in the human world so it would take me a bit to get there. Finally I made it. I took a few deep breaths and tucked my new blond hair behind my ears. When we came down to the human level our appearances changed to look more like humans. I walked in to see Cali and Texas yelling at each other from opposite ends of the table. I quietly made it to my seat between Connecticut and Massachusetts.
"What did I miss?" I quietly whispered to Connecticut.
"Not much. Texas and Cali are just having the usual 'you're an idiot' 'no you're an idiot' argument." He whispered back.
"Where were you?" Massachusetts asked quietly. Not that it really mattered if we were loud. Everyone was either watching the argument unravel or having their own conversations.
"Well I was talking to P.E.I and lost track of time." I told her.
"Interesting." New York leaned forward in his seat next to Connecticut and looked at me.
"Not like that!" I could feel my face burn up.
"Aw, Rhode has a crush~" Maine teased as she also leaned forward in her seat next to Massachusetts.
"I do not!" My face was only getting more red. The four of them just laughed as I calmed myself down. "Anyways, I had an idea, where are Louisiana and Georgia?" I asked.
"Well Louis is currently laughing her head off at the argument." Connecticut said, pointing towards Louis. She was laughing like a hyena as Mary tried to stop Cali from jumping over the table to strangle Texas.
"And Georgia is sleeping over there." Maine pointed to Georgia who had his feet up on the table and was passed out. Florida is currently drawing a mustache on him.
"So why do ya need those idiots anyways?" New York questioned.
"Well actually I need you too." I told him. "Oh and you too Maine." I looked over at her.
"So what's this idea?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.
"It'll be easier to explain after the meeting." I told her as Cali finally got off the table and cleared her throat.
"We should get started!" She announced. Texas sat down annoyed. About an hour later the meeting wrapped up. We walked into the lobby and a few carried conversations while others left. I quickly looked around to make sure no one I needed had left. I spotted Louis about to leave and I spirited over to her.
"LOUIS!" I yelled. She stopped and looked at me confused.
"Hey Rhode, what's up?" She asked.
"I need to talk to you and some others so please don't leave yet." I told her.
"I don't know if I can today-" She started but I cut her off.
"Please." I gave her puppy dog eyes. She sighed and took out her phone, she sent a text then looked back at me.
"Fine." She said. I gave her a big smile and grabbed her wrist. I dragged her around the room looking for the others. I scanned the room and finally found Maine talking to Minisota. I ran over to them.
"Maine! I need to talk to you!" I told her as we stopped in front of them.
"You shouldn't just interpret conversations Rhode!" Louis scolded.
"Oh it's alright, I was just saying I gotta get going. See ya later." Minnesota said with a smile before walking off.
"Is this about that idea of yours?" Maine asked as I grabbed her wrist and started walking again.
"Yup!" I told her as I looked around the room. I saw Georgia leaving the bathroom. I ran over to him, dragging the other two close behind.
"Darn Florida." He said as he wiped above his lip.
"I need to talk to you!" I announced as we stopped in front of him.
"Ok, about what?" He asked.
"I can't tell you until we find New York." I told him.
"Oh, didn't he just leave?" He asked, pointing to the door.
"WHAT?!" I yelled, causing more than a few people to turn their heads. I started running and Louis quickly grabbed Georgia's wrist. We ran outside and I looked around. I spotted New York walking down the sidewalk. "NEW YORK!" I yelled as I bolted towards him. As we got closer I yelled again. "HEY! NEW YORK!" He stopped and turned around annoyed, revealing he was on the phone. We stopped in front of him.
"What?" He asked annoyed then said to the person on the other end of the phone. "No, not you, my siblings are being annoying." He said then looked back at me.
"The idea..." I shyly said. He let out an annoyed sigh.
"I'll be home later." He told the person, he stopped as they responded. "Yup, I'll call you when I'm on my way. Bye." He paused. "Love you too." He then hung up the phone. "So what's this about anyways?" He asked as he put his phone in his pocket. I gave a big smile then started running towards a world transfer, Maine quickly grabbing New York's wrist as we ran. Once we made it back to our level I led them to the doc.
"This? This is what you dragged us for?" New York asked, unimpressed. I turned to look at them.
"Yes, but it doesn't make much sense without the story." I explained to them what Prince had told me.
"I see..." Louis thought out loud as she looked at the doc.
"That still doesn't explain why you brought us here." New York rolled his eyes.
"Well, I was thinking we could fix up the doc..." I told him. They all looked around at each other.
"What kinda handymen do you think we are?" New York scoffed.
"Oh come on New York, I think it would be nice if we fixed it for them." Maine said, looking at him.
"I'm in!" Louis announced with a smile.
"Sure I guess." Georgia said with a shrug. I looked back at New York and gave him puppy dog eyes.
"Please." I said.
"Tch, fine." He finally gave in.

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