Flower Crown ~ Hawaii(f) x Minnesota(m) ~ Fluff

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They are NOT related in any way in this.

Request by @Basically-Canadian



Hawaii's POV

I sat quietly in my room, just reading. Although I was quiet the rest of the house most certainly was not. I could hear all sorts of chaos throughout the house.

Not that I was surprised. I've gotten quite used to the ruckus. The only times it got anywhere near silent was at night, and even that wasn't a guarantee.

I suddenly heard someone running towards my room. I quickly dove under my bed, I did not feel like dealing with these idiots today. I went as quiet as possible and my door swung open. I heard a loud thud and turned my head quietly in the direction of the door so I could see if I could figure out who it was by their feet. Unfortunately, I found out who it was by their face. As I looked over I locked eyes with Minnesota, who seemed to have fallen, causing the thud.

He quickly crawled under the bed with me. I suppose I don't mind him coming in here, I just would rather read alone today. He snuggled into my side and I let out a sigh.

"What happened?" I asked, putting my book down and starting to play with his hair. He curled up, snuggling in closer.

"They're being too loud and I think I pissed off Wisconsin." He quietly answered.

I got out from under the bed and closed my door. I looked back to see he had taken a seat on my bed. I gave a chuckle and walked over. We had been dating for a couple months now. He pulled me into a hug and then laid down.

We laid there for a bit, enjoying the comfort of the other. I glanced over to my window to try and figure out the temperature.

"You wanna go out for a walk?" I asked him.


With that we made our way out of the house, being sure to avoid getting caught up in whatever chaos the others were engaging in.

Minnesota's POV

We started walking down a path. We walked in silence for the most part. Just holding hands and enjoying the scenery and the presence of the other. That's one thing I like about being with her. We don't even need to talk to have a good time.

After walking for a while we made it to a small pond surrounded by trees, plants, and flowers. It was both beautiful and peaceful.

Hawaii walked over a took a seat next to some plants fairly close to the water. I followed and sat down as well.

She picked a few flowers and leaned against me as she started braiding them into a flower crown.

I sat and watched as she made it. Her fingers moved carefully and strategically around the stems and petals, interlocking them. It was quite calming to just watch her make the crown.

Once she finished she smiled up at me and placed it on top of my head. I smiled back down at her.

"How do I look?" I asked.

"Stunning." She answered. I looked around and picked a few flowers.

"How about I make you one?" I asked, showing her the flowers.

"Do you know how?" She asked, turning to fully face me. I paused.

"Can't be that hard." I answered. She shook her head and laughed.

"How about I help you make me one." She suggested as she took some of the flowers.

She started showing me how to properly make one. I followed along. She helped here and there with actually putting it together but for the most part just explained so that I could try making it in my own.

"And done!" I exclaimed happily.

She smiled as I placed it on her head.

"How'd I do?" I asked.

"You did amazing, the real question is how do I look?" She giggled.

"Beautiful as always." I answered. I pulled her into a hug and kissed her forehead.

She snuggled into my chest. The sun was starting to set and it was starting to get colder.

"Wanna head home?" I asked her.

"That would be nice." She snuggled in closer.

I picked her up bridal style and walked back home. She fell asleep in my arms so I carefully placed her in her bed and snuck to my own room.

Can't wait for tomorrow. That's one of the many perks of living with your girlfriend, you get to spend time together everyday, even if it's just a few minutes.

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