Blizard Confessions ~ Yukon(m) x Alaska(m) ~ Angst and Fluff

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This was requested by ruffles015. Thank you for your request, hope you like it.


Yukon's POV
Well... I guess this is it...
My vision starts to go blurry as I stare out into the nothingness of the blizzard.
Where am I?
Good question.
But one that I don't have enough energy left to answer.
I'm in a forest, that much I know.
Why am I bleeding out of my left side?
Yet another great question my mind has elected not important enough to waste energy answering.

The only thing it's deemed important is survival, which doesn't seem likely right now.

I'm freezing.
I'm covered in blood.
And I'm leaned up against a tree.

I was with someone.
Someone was here...

Alaska's POV
"YUKON!" I yelled as I tried to navigate the storm.

We had been going for a walk when it suddenly hit out of nowhere. We somehow managed to get ourselves separated.

Of course it had to happen today. The one time I finally build up enough courage to confess to him, this happens. It'll be fine. I'll just confess once we're back at my cabin.
This stupid gut feeling won't leave me alone though.
This stupid feeling that he's in trouble.

I frantically run around, not knowing where I'm going, just trying to find him.
That's one thing I didn't think through.
How are we going to get back?
It'll be fine.
I just can't think about that right now.
We'll be fine.

In my panicked state I walked right into a tree. Only to here a second thud. I squinted as I looked around the tree. My eyes widened as I finally saw the source of the second thud.

There was Yukon. Now laying on the snowy ground, and covered in blood. It was at this point sorry was shoved back to the farthest corner of my mind as instincts kicked in.

I quickly picked him up bridal style. His breaths were worrisome to say the least. He was out cold. Quiet literally.

I started booking it. Not quite sure why I went the way I did. But it eventually got me back to the cabin.

It was fairly small. I pushed the door open and placed Yukon down on the floor so that I could quickly take care of the bleeding.

I took off his jacket, and then his sweater. It was very clear he had cut him self on a rock or something of the sort. Actually, looking closer, he had quite a few bruises.

I quickly got a first aid kit and started cleaning up the blood and the wound. Once I was sure it was clean enough I bandaged the wound.

All of his clothes were completely blood soaked. I thought of the best next step for a moment.

I carefully picked him up and placed him on the couch. I took off his boots and socks and took them to the laundry room along with his sweater and jacket, I could wash all his clothes once he was up.

I went to my room and found him a change of clothes. I put a t-shirt and hoodie on him and left the bottom portion for him to do once he woke up.

I had also brought a pillow and blanket which I placed for him. I thought about anything else I could do as of this moment.

I checked his pulse and breathing, which were both seeming much better then when I found him.

I walk over to the kitchen and started looking for what I had in terms of food and pain killers. This gave me the chance to actually process everything. I looked back at the couch. This felt oddly familiar...
Yet still very different.
He has someone to help him...

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