32 ~ Manitoba(m) x West Virginia(f) ~ Angst

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Just a little bit of context, this story happens right after the burning of the white house in 1814.


West V's POV

I slowly opened my eyes. Every part of my body hurt. Particularly my head.

I didn't even get through a second of thinking before the room exploded with voices.

"SHE'S UP!" I could hear Kentucky yell. I heard someone run over. I was met with Virginia looking down at me.

"Oh thank god." He gave a sigh of relief before helping me sit up. "How ya feeling?" He asked, taking a seat next to me on the bed.

"Everything hurts." I quietly stated. I looked around the room to see the rest of the south states were in there as well. Except for Louisiana, for some reason.

The reason for her not being there was soon made clear however, as the door swung open and dad and Louis came in.

"Good, your awake." Dad gave a sigh of relief as he walked over.

"What happened?" I asked. The room fell silent. They all looked around at each other.

"You got caught in the fire is all." South Carolina stated as calmly as he could. My eyes widened and they realized I would need a bit more of an explanation.

"Well, we're not exactly sure what happened on your end, but, you didn't get out of the building, so a soldier ran back in and saved you." Georgia told me.

"Oh! Which soldier was it? I need to say thank you!" I exclaimed. They once again looked around at each other.

"That's not really necessary West." Virginia told me.

"But you always tell me to be polite and say thank you, and I'm pretty sure this is something I need to say thank you for." His expression turned to a mix surprise and worry. He looked over to Louisiana.

"Unfortunately the soldier passed away upon bringing you out, and he was so badly burned that we could not identify them. All that's left is his blue coat." Louisiana told me softly as she sat down on the other side of me.


"Don't worry, it's not your fault, it's those stupid Brits fault, and those Canadians, don't blame yourself, this was their doing." Tennessee told me.

"Can we set up a grave for him at least?" I asked.

"Of course we can." Louis told me.

No one's POV

Everything was in flames.

In a second everything was gone.

Nothing more then ash, or what would be ash.

A group of people in red coats stood farther back and off to the side, watching the chaos unfold.

"Of course it had to come to this." A girl with black hair that was in a bun, and piercing blue eyes, stated unimpressed through her thick french accent.

"Hopefully that'll stop them from trying another stupid idea." A girl with brown hair added.

"This is stupid." A tall boy, much tanner then his companies, stated bluntly under his breath, leaning against a wagon.

"Yeah but we sure showed them!" Another boy drunkenly blabbered, his words almost unintelligible when his British accent mixed with the alcohol.

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