It's not a date, is it? ~ Minnesota(m) x Manitoba(m) ~ Fluff

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This takes place in Ottawa.

Requested by Basically-Canadian


Minnesota's POV

I walked down the long halls of the meeting hall. I don't know where I'm supposed to go or do once I'm done all my meetings, so I just roam.

As I walked, getting lost in though I bumped into something, or rather someone, much larger then myself. I fell to the ground and looked up, quick to apologize.

I was met with a cold eye. I took in the face the eye was set in. A man who I vaguely recognized. He looked down at me for a second before slightly bending down and reaching a hand.

"Sorry bout that bud, didn't see ya there." His low voice told me. I hesitantly took his hand and he helped me up.

Manitoba. He had dark brown shaggy hair and a light blue eye, his other eye being covered by an eyepatch. He had very pale skin. He was in some dress pants and a white button up shirt. But that's wear his attire stopped making sense for a meeting. He had a hoodie in his hand, he was wearing a big brown winter jacket, some hiking boots, and a beanie.

"What are you doing?" He asked, snapping me from my taking him in.

"Just roaming around, I have no clue what to do or where to go now that I'm done my meetings." I told him, shifting in my spot a bit.

He looked at me, face unchanging. I'll be honest, he scares the living shit out of me. That aside, it would be nice to get to know some people outside my family, so maybe this is my chance.

"Well," He starts, "I'm heading out now, wanna come with?" He asks.

I blinked a few times. "Really?" I asked with a hint of happiness sneaking in.

He started back petaling. "I mean, only if you want to-"

"I would love to!" I excitedly said.

Manitoba's POV

Well then. Did not except him to agree. That's new.

"Well then, let's go." I told him as I started walking. He quickly followed.

I took off my jacket, put on my hoodie, and then put the jacket back on. I looked over at him.

"Where's your coat?"

"In the front lobby." He told me.

That works out. I started planning out my course of action. I hadn't really planned what I was going to do once out.

He gets his coat and we step outside. I survey the area. There's ice everywhere so preferably somewhere where I can sit or be inside. The pizza place across from Byword market might be nice.

I turned to him. "Hungry?"

"Yeah kinda."

I started carefully walking down the stairs of the building.

"Up for some pizza." I turned to him as we stepped down from the last step.


We started the walk to the pizza place, making some small chat as we did.

"So, how were your meetings?" He asked.

"Pretty good, boring mostly. Yours?" I answered.

"Well... you know, the usual chaos that comes with the others." He let out a sigh.

"What happened?" I asked. He slowly started and ended up in a full blown rant.

I'll be honest here, he's adorable. And as we went along he seemed to get more and more comfortable around me. Which was a nice change if a little odd to adjust to.

~Small time skip~

"Is there anything else I can get you?" The waitress asked. We had just finished eating.

"Just the bill thanks." I told her.

"Of course." She said with a smile before walking off.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out my wallet. I looked up to see Minnesota doing the same.

"What are you doing?" I asked him. He looked up at me confused.

"Getting my wallet to pay for my food...?" He answered.

"Put it back. I'm paying for both of us." I told him. He seemed surprised.

"Oh thanks, but I can pay for myself." He told me.

"I didn't say you can't I said you won't."

"It's fine, really." He insisted. I leaned forward slightly.

"Listen, I invited you out, I'm paying." I stated.

"I don't think that applies here, it's not like it's a date." I don't think he thought that sentence through before he said it because once it left his mouth he turned bright red, and I'm sure I matched. Regardless of if he thought his sentence through or not I most certainly didn't.

"Says who?"

I. Am. An. Idiot.
Why would I say that?! He's probably disgusted now and I ruined any chance of an actual friendship I had! I leaned back, trying to collect myself. I've pretty much mastered the poker face so at least there's that but there's no hiding the blush that's taken over my face.

"I-is it?" He asked

Minnesota's POV

I mean, I'm not mad if it is, I just didn't expect it.

"Well that depends... would you be mad if it was?" He asked.

Given how tough and scary he usually seems seeing him blush bright pink and be caught off guard is honestly really cute.

"No... I wouldn't mind if it was." I told him. Once again, I don't think he excepted it, and that made it ten times better.

"Well then..." He cleared his throat, regaining himself. "It's a date, which means I'm paying." He stated.

The waitress came over with the bill. He payed and we made our way outside again. We stood there for a second.

"Soooo, what now?" I asked, unsure of where we were at now.

He looked around, then down at me.


"Sure!" I have a pretty big sweet tooth, so I wasn't about to turn that down.

He paused for a second, staring down at me. I wasn't sure what he was thinking, he's got quite the poker face. Suddenly he moved his elbow out towards me, hands still in his pockets. I looked at his arm confused for a second before I caught on, once again turning bright red. I guess he noticed.

"O-Only if you too!" He started to put his arm back but I quickly took it. I wrapped my arms around his and looked up at him.

We walked over to a small red both. Above the window it read 'Beaver tails'. We each order one and then walked around while we ate them.

We walked all around the city. Saw the parliament, went to a mall, saw a few museums. It was honestly really nice. And getting to know Toba was also great. We made it back to our level and he walked me back to my house we stopped in front of the driveway.

"This was fun." I looked up at him.

"Yeah, it was." He shifted a bit. "It would be nice to do it again sometime." He sheepishly looked at me. I gave him a big smile.

"I would love to!" I small smile crept onto his face.

We exchanged numbers and parted ways. I quickly made a contact for him. Toba❤️. I can't wait to do this again.

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