Helpless ~ Vermont (m) x New York (m) ~ Fluff

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Figured this was as good a chapter as any to mention this, but, I have another book with all of my designs for the states! There's some backstory stuff there as well, so if you're interested by that, then maybe go check it out.

Also, little bit of context, none of the states are related to each other in this chapter, they just all live together.

Any who, this chapter was requested by Vermont_Republic, thanks for the request and I hope you enjoy!

Vermont's POV

I put my book down and looked out the window. It was pouring rain outside, and, thankfully, I had the house all to myself!

I made my way down to the kitchen to make myself a a sandwich.

As I was making my way back up to my room I heard a voice. I froze. Quickly, I looked around to see where it was coming from. I followed the sound, which oddly enough got me to New York's room. I put my year to the door, being met not only with his voice but also... music?

"I'm helpless~ Look into your eyes and the sky's the limit, I'm helpless~"

You know, I've seen and heard a lot, but hearing York sing, especially a love song from a musical, was not one of the things I excepted to add to the growing list.

"Down for the count and I'm drownin' in 'em!"

I listened for a while, at one point I decided to pull out my phone and record, it could be useful later.

Although, it was also partially to squeal at later. His voice was actually really good.

After he had finished the song I heard the front door open. I quickly ran back to my room.

New York's POV

I froze. I heard the front door open, but even more terrifying, I heard some one run away from my door.

I quickly turned off my TV and opened my door slightly. I looked around. No one. Which means, someone heard me sing, and I don't know who. Which also means I don't know who to threaten.

I went downstairs to see who had came in. Although, I didn't even have to make it all the way down the stairs to hear the thick southern accents all yelling at each other. I let out a hard sigh as I stepped onto the main floor.

The south was back, and currently yelling and throwing chairs.

I snuck into the kitchen to get a snack or something.

More and more people started coming back, much to my dismay. I started eating faster, wanting to get back to my room as soon as possible.

I watched as people came in and out of the kitchen for one reason or another. Then, Vermont walked in. With a plate. Was he the one who was home?

Well that's just great. I have to threaten, my crush.


"Can I help you?" I snapped out of my thoughts to Vermont's voice. Shit. I was staring. That's just swell.

I stared at him for a bit more, trying to figure out how to answer. I got up, grabbed his wrist and pulled him to his room. For whatever reason he had little to no protest on the matter as we dogged flying items that were chucked at who knows who from who knows where.

We finally made it to his room. I closed the door and looked at him.

"Listen here ya little shit, were you home the whole time?" I asked him. I didn't even need him to answer, just by his reaction to the question alone I could tell. He was in fact the person I heard.

"Please don't kill me." He quickly blurted out. I let out a hard sigh. What now? "If it makes you feel any better, you're singing voice is pretty good." He quietly added.

I looked at him. Trying to figure out if he was joking or not. He was in fact, not joking.

I was left speechless. How does one respond to this situation?

"That was Hamilton, right? I haven't actually watched it yet."

Vermont's POV

I waited for him to answer. Was this my way of seeing if he'd offer to watch it with me? Yes. Yes it was. Did I think it would work? No. No I did not. But a state can try, right?

He just glared at me for good long while. I regret every decision I made that led me to this moment.

"Put on something comfortable and get your ass in the car."


"You heard me."

And he left. What just happened? I quickly changed into some sweatpants and a hoodie. I ran downstairs and past the ever persistent chaos of this house. I stepped outside, the rain having stopped, and saw he was already in the car. I got in the passenger seat and we started off.

"So where exactly are we going?"

"To my house on the human level. You need to watch Hamilton. And the noise of the house would ruin the experience." He explained.

Well then, I guess it did work. We drove for a bit before finally arriving.

We went in and made some popcorn before sitting on the couch and starting the play.

It was honestly pretty good. Best part? New York. I guess after the first song he forgot that he acts cold around others and he just started singing along, yelling or coaching the characters, going on tangents and explaining things to me. It was adorable.

We made it to the last song and York was balling his eyes out. I figured now was my chance. I moved in slowly and leaned against him. To my surprise, he hugged me. Although hug doesn't quiet describe it. He wrapped his arms around me, very tightly might I add, and pulled me in even closer, to the point I was practically sitting on his lap. I hugged back of course.

"Tell anyone about this and your a dead man." He whispered.

"My lips are sealed." I let out a small giggle.

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